And surprise, surprise – I just managed to finish another 12th century dress! 🙂 Well, I admit it, I didn’t post much about my new 12th century dress project till now – only one short posting and that was all. But well, it was also just one of my “small” side projects which I took up or abandoned whenever I felt like it. “Just” some hand sewing in order to relax and to keep my hands busy… I think it’s quite important to have small side projects like this. Projects which have no time frame or real importance and might not even work out. But projects like these can help to take one’s mind off…
My new grey 12th century dress – maunches and first sewing steps…
During the last days I was busy working at some calligraphy projects but I also did some hand-sewing and finished a good part of the sleeves for my very new 12th century dress project. While packing for the big Gulf Wars event in Mississippi, I decided that I definitely have to enlarge my own as well as my husbands 12th century wardrobe by several new pieces as soon as I come back. This should ensure that my husband and I will have enough clothing for the next long war.