It appears somehow funny and also really amazing to me how Fortuna works from time to time… *lol* Yesterday I was talking about a very special scroll commission for a SCA peerage scroll. About a 10th century SCA knighting scroll for the upcoming knighting ceremony of a friend – btw. my very first peerage scroll! …and today I already run into an inspiration for it, awesome coincidence, isn’t it… *lol* Well, I don’t worry much about the fact that I have never done a peerage scroll till now. I already made so many scrolls that even a peerage scroll is also “just” another scroll for me. Like always I hope that the…
- 10th century art, 12th century art, 13th century art, 14th century art, Embroidery, Exhibitions, Inspiration for Scrolls - 10th century, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum - Online Collections, Museum Photos, Projects, Scriptorium, Scroll Peerage - Knighting
- 14th century French Queen, 14th century Headdresses, 14th century projects, 14th century Veils, Berlin, Books, Catalogues, Medieval Art, Middle Ages, Misc., Mission Medieval Berlin, Museum, Museum Photos, Museums - Germany, Photos
Mission “Medieval Berlin” – the forgotten 14th century Queen from France
As I promised, I already took a first look through my photos from Berlin. At the very first day I visited the “Tiergarten Berlin” (the zoo) and the nearby aquarium. Knowing that you would prefer to see some of my medieval photos first, I decided to skip this day for now and to start with day 2 and my very first museum visit. What shall I say – it was truly amazing! I already found some lovely medieval art at the very first museum I visited. I spend some hours looking through the medieval collection and took about 2.300 photos. Well, I admit that this count surprised me but I…
- 14th century Floral Bands, 14th century projects, Medieval Art, Museum, Museum Photos, Museums - Germany, Projects
14th century Floral Head Bands
As some of you might have noticed over the last years, I really love visiting museums. And even more than visiting museums I love to take pictures of the beautiful medieval things on display in museums. Regardless if it is about medieval fabrics, medieval wood-work, medieval jewelry,… or medieval embroidery. You can take me to a museum and leave me alone in the medieval collection. I will happily entertain myself by taking several photos of nearly every medieval thing on display. It is especially dangerous to leave me alone with a good 12th century, 13th century or 14th century collection. Some of my friends already found out that I &…
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