*woohoooo* I am so excited! I just managed to finish the major part of the planned “renovation work” at my new and also very first sewing and crafting room. 😀 I am really very excited and happy about my renovation progress. The walls are painted white now and I just finished putting in the last part of the new flooring. I even managed to paint the baseboard and the visible parts of the door frame. 🙂
What I did last weekend… or the “Tourney of the Foxes” :D
FAQ – research & medieval embroidery inspiration – some personal thoughts based on 14years of experience
Recently one of my blog members asked me a very simple but also very important question: Where shall she start her research? Well, though this question seems to be a very simple one, the answer is by far not simple. And I really think that this is actually one of the most simple but also most interesting questions I was ever asked about my work.
Racaire’s move to the USA – a short update :D
Today I have really great news concerning my move to the USA! 😀 My moving boxes from Vienna just arrived at my new home. I have to say that my Austrian moving company did a really awesome job. Great service during the whole procedure, not even one box is missing or damaged, they were directly delivered into the garage, found not even one broken glass or pottery till now and damn, they were unbelievable fast. 😀 After all the bad stories which I heard before I started my move, I was very impressed and happy about the final outcome. Yeah, you know, all the stories of containers falling from ships, boxes missing at the…
Racaire married her American crusader… :D
Maybe you already heard the rumors and yes, they are true – Racaire finally married her American crusader. 😀 It took several months and steps but finally things are coming together. The visa process took rather long as well as preparing my stuff for the move to America. But finally I can see a light at the horizon.
Racaire moved to the USA – Good bye Europe / Drachenwald and Hallo USA / Meridies… :D
It is true, good things come to those who wait and it finally happened: “Racaire moved to the USA”
Short side note – Cleos new “cat sewing basket”… ;)
I know, many of you are cat and/or Cleo fans and I haven’t posted a photo of Cleo for a long time now. …but today I have one for you again… While packing my stuff for the move to the states I decided to give my “sewing basket” to Cleo. I knew that she really likes it. She always used every chance to get inside it… …and what happened? …you can find her every day sleeping in her new beloved cat sewing basket now. Well, at least when she doesn’t decide that it is time for snuggling… 😉
“Back to the Future” – Antonow flight over Hungary to Esztergom :D
Last saturday I was invited to join an Antonow flight over Hungary. I have to say – it was awesome!!! 😀 During the last years I attended at some air shows here in Austria – Air Power 2003, 2005 & 2009 – and enjoyed them a lot. But I always had the feeling that looking at old planes is one thing and traveling with one would be a completely different story…. I always thought it would be a great fun to travel with an old air plane and last weekend I finally got the chance and decided to dare it. Wow, it was a very interesting experience. 😀 Like always I took many pictures. I have…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Misc., Projects, Racaire, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.1 & news concerning my move to the states…
Do you remember my last posting – 12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – which I posted some days ago? I am very glad to say that I have some new progress for you. I tremendously enjoy working at this embroidery in my rather rare “spare time” at the moment. Like always it is a great pleasure to see my embroidery grow. 😀 A personal side note for all of you who are waiting for news concerning my move to the states: I am still very busy washing and packing my fabric stash, sorting out stuff and packing more and more boxes for my move to the states. During the last weeks…
Happy Easter! …and some Spring Impressions from Vienna :D
Happy Easter! Frohe Ostern! …from Vienna. 😀 You really can’t avoid the Easter feeling here in Vienna. You can find chocolate Easter eggs and chocolate Easter bunnies at every grocery store here. …and there are Easter markets all over town too… Yes, you can say that Austrian like their Easter. *lol* …and though I am not sharing my chocolate Easter eggs or my chocolate Easter bunnies with you – in my opinion this is always the best part of Easter – I have some lovely Spring impressions from Vienna, Schönbrunn for you. This photos have definitely less calories than my Easter chocolate 😉
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