…and playing around with wire – some new trees of life :)
Woohoo! Just a few days are left till christmas! 😀 But before I show you what I made for my husband, I’d like to share with you some cute little wire projects at which I was working during the last days. Yeah, I was playing around with wire again and made some new trees of life… But don’t worry, I didn’t give up embroidery. The skin on my hands just got a little bit rough due to cold weather and work which prohibits me from working with my fine silk thread. However, I got some good, nurturing hand cream and hope that the skin of my hands will be nice and smooth…
- Hand painted christmas ornaments, Handmade christmas presents, Misc., Projects, Projects - Misc., Racaire
…special christmas gifts for family & friends – more hand painted christmas ornaments… :D
Christmas is nearly upon us! But I don’t really worry about it anymore as I should have all christmas presents covered now! Yeah, I just managed to finish another three christmas ornaments! And if I didn’t miscount, I have all christmas presents for closest family and friends covered by now… 😀 Making the very first three hand painted christmas ornaments was so relaxing that I just couldn’t resist to make some more for family and friends. And though this kind of christmas gifts takes quite some time to make, they are such pleasant little projects. Especially as they help to also cover the friends and in-laws for which I wasn’t able to find a suitable christmas present throughout…
Crazy nailbinding ideas – a nailbinded cover for my gear shifter… :)
Wooohooo! It seems like my level of crazy just hit a new level! Believe it or not – I made a nailbinded cover for the gear shifter of my car! And I love it! *lol* Why? Well, it seemed so much easier than every other option. …and how come? Well, let’s see… As some of you might know, I really enjoy living in a quite rural neighborhood here in Kentucky. All the trees, grass and the fresh air make quite a huge difference after living in a big city like Vienna for nearly my whole life…
…special christmas gifts – some hand painted christmas ornaments… :D
…and a sneak peek for you at my very first hand painted christmas ornaments… 😀 I have to admit that this posting was quite an inner struggle for me. Should I keep my special christmas gifts a secret or shall I post a picture of them to inspire other fellow crafters? Well, it’s quite obvious that the urge to inspire others finally got the upper hand. I am just too proud of the outcome to not share it! *giggle* Maybe you remember the short note about the glass ornaments which I found at a local crafting store in my recent “…christmas is coming…” posting. When I saw these glass ornaments for the very first…
…christmas is coming…
Well, well, well,… As my husbands status reports on facebook remind me – christmas is just 25 shopping days away. *lol* But I have absolutely no reason to panic yet as my plans for christmas presents are already set. 😀 Like every year I will bake a huge amount of cookies for friends & family and make a new tunic for my sweetheart. And not only that – I found some glass ornaments at a local crafting store and might try to paint them. Yeah, just a little side project in case that the mood strikes me and I get bored… 😉 Yes, I admit it, I prefer to give away handmade gifts whenever it is possible. It seems like…
- Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Crown Tournament, painted shield 2, Projects, Racaire, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, SCA Events
A new shield for my husband for the Meridian Crown Tournament :)
I am so tremendously excited! It took nearly a week but I finally managed to finish my husbands new shield for the Meridian Crown Tournament just in time. You should have seen his face whenever he talked about his new shield – like a kid with an awesome new toy. But we have a rule here at home, however awesome any new gear is, it’s not allowed to be brought to bed… Yeah, there is no snuggling with new gauntlets or shields in the bed… 😉 And well, my sweethearts new shield and the awesome Crown Tournament event were not the only highlights this very recent weekend. Thursday night someone suddenly knocked…
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Gold embroidery / gold work, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Hands On Tutorials, Misc., Misc. step by step embroidery tutorials, Projects, Racaire, Rose, Rose embroidery for Elisenda's 14th century hood, Silk Thread, Surface Couching
More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .3 – my surface couching embroidery for the center of the roses…
It took some time but today I finally have my third part of my rose embroidery tutorial ready for you. Todays posting will show you how I used Surface Couching to embroider the central section of the roses for my friends 14th century hood. 😀 But before we get to the embroidery tutorial, I would like to write a little about the last days and weeks as they were quite a journey for me. As some of you might recall from my recent postings, I was taking one test after another to qualify for my GED diploma. And though all these tests drained me mentally, I am excited to tell that all the hard work and concentration finally…
Racaire… events, events, events and mundane life… working on my GED… :D
Wow! What a week! Or well, to be more exact, what amazing but also a little bit stressful weeks we just had. There were three great events in a row which neither my husband nor I wanted to miss. And we ended up going to all of them. After the first event I actually forgot to unpack my clean cloths and just used the already packed bag for the next event. Yeah, that happens when a girl just can’t decide what to wear on the weekend and has a certain system to organize the clean clothing in one bag and all laundry in the her husbands bag after the event… Yeah, I…
- Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Grand Tournament, Misc., Photos, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, SCA Events
Meridian Grand Tournament – fighting, banners and more photos…
While writing yesterdays posting about the Meridian Grand Tournament I got so excited that I completely forgot about the other photos and links I wanted to share with you. But postponed is not abandoned! This minor mistake can be easily corrected by writing just another posting with the Meridian Grand Tournament as its main topic. …and after this posting we can finally return to my (more or less) regular program of “embroidery, needlework and sewing”. Ok, there might be also some more calligraphy too if the right mood strikes me and I decide to get my nibs and ink out. Well, who knows what the future brings… 😉
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