It took some time but today I finally have my third part of my rose embroidery tutorial ready for you. Todays posting will show you how I used Surface Couching to embroider the central section of the roses for my friends 14th century hood. 😀 But before we get to the embroidery tutorial, I would like to write a little about the last days and weeks as they were quite a journey for me. As some of you might recall from my recent postings, I was taking one test after another to qualify for my GED diploma. And though all these tests drained me mentally, I am excited to tell that all the hard work and concentration finally…
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Gold embroidery / gold work, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Hands On Tutorials, Misc., Misc. step by step embroidery tutorials, Projects, Racaire, Rose, Rose embroidery for Elisenda's 14th century hood, Silk Thread, Surface Couching
- 12th century fillet - black with white silk embroidery, 12th century projects, Chain Stitch, Embroidery, Kingdom of Meridies, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, SCA, Silk Thread, Stem Stitch
My new black 12th century fillet with white silk embroidery! :D
Gloria, my dear mother-in-law, took a lovely selfie of us both at the most recent SCA event – Coronation. This cute selfie allows me to finally show you my most recent 12th century project “in use”: My new black 12th century fillet with white silk embroidery! 😀 How come? Well, after completing my new grey/black 12th century dress, I longed for a slightly different 12th century headgear than my ‘normal’ red silk fillet with pearl embroidery. And as the making of a new fillet does not take very long, I decided to simply make a fillet that matched at least one of the colors of my new dress…
Racaire… events, events, events and mundane life… working on my GED… :D
Wow! What a week! Or well, to be more exact, what amazing but also a little bit stressful weeks we just had. There were three great events in a row which neither my husband nor I wanted to miss. And we ended up going to all of them. After the first event I actually forgot to unpack my clean cloths and just used the already packed bag for the next event. Yeah, that happens when a girl just can’t decide what to wear on the weekend and has a certain system to organize the clean clothing in one bag and all laundry in the her husbands bag after the event… Yeah, I…
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Basics, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Gold embroidery / gold work, Gold Thread, How to start a new thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Hands On Tutorials, Misc. step by step embroidery tutorials, Projects, Rose embroidery for Elisenda's 14th century hood, Silk Thread, Surface Couching
More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .2 – starting the surface couching
Wow! What a week! During the last days I was struggling with fighting off a head cold as well as finally facing my driving test. As easy as embroidery and some other things might come to me, I really struggle a lot when it comes to taking any kind of tests. And the driving test, which took place yesterday, was definitely no difference. I was a complete wreck before, during and after the test and not even my dear husband was able to calm me down…
My new grey/black 12th century dress is finally finished! :D
And surprise, surprise – I just managed to finish another 12th century dress! 🙂 Well, I admit it, I didn’t post much about my new 12th century dress project till now – only one short posting and that was all. But well, it was also just one of my “small” side projects which I took up or abandoned whenever I felt like it. “Just” some hand sewing in order to relax and to keep my hands busy… I think it’s quite important to have small side projects like this. Projects which have no time frame or real importance and might not even work out. But projects like these can help to take one’s mind off…
- Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Grand Tournament, Misc., Photos, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, SCA Events
Meridian Grand Tournament – fighting, banners and more photos…
While writing yesterdays posting about the Meridian Grand Tournament I got so excited that I completely forgot about the other photos and links I wanted to share with you. But postponed is not abandoned! This minor mistake can be easily corrected by writing just another posting with the Meridian Grand Tournament as its main topic. …and after this posting we can finally return to my (more or less) regular program of “embroidery, needlework and sewing”. Ok, there might be also some more calligraphy too if the right mood strikes me and I decide to get my nibs and ink out. Well, who knows what the future brings… 😉
- Embroidery, Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Grand Tournament, My Order of the Velvet Owl, my SCA - Awards, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, SCA Events, Silver Thread, Surface Couching
Meridian Grand Tournament – the Order of the Velvet Owl and other great things…
Seeing my scroll for the Armatura tournament go to a worthy and excited recipient was not my only highlight at the Meridian Grand Tournament this very last weekend. So many awesome and memorable things happened throughout the whole day. And being admitted into the Order of the Velvet Owl of my beloved home, the Kingdom of Meridies, was definitely the most amazing surprise for me on this day. Here a beautiful shot of this very special moment which I got to share with three other friends who were also admitted to the Order of the Velvet Owl: The picture above was taken by Becky Cullen. Becky, thank you very much for this lovely memory! …and if you would…
- Armatura, Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Grand Tournament, SCA, SCA Events, Scriptorium, Scrolls for Tournaments
Scriptorium – Meridian Grand Tournament – a scroll for the winner of the Armatura
Last but not least I have the pleasure to present to you my scroll for the winner of the Armatura tournament! Wow! The last weekend was truly amazing! My husband and I travelled to Tennessee – to the Meridian Grand Tournament – and brought a rather special package to the event. It was a scroll for the winner of the Armatura tournament sponsored by the “Order of the Legio Ursi” / “Legion of the Bear”. But first things first… As some of you might already know, is my husband a proud member of the “Legion of the Bear”, as well as some other dear friends of mine. Therefore I was really excited when I got the commission…
Scriptorium – Kail’s viking knighting scroll – definitely not your normal knighting scroll…
I already mentioned in my previous postings that I was working on a very special scroll and here it is: The viking knighting scroll for Kaðall Viðarsson. …and yes, before you ask, it is indeed a painted woodcut. Though the term “scroll” might actually not really apply here, it served all purposes of a scroll at a recent SCA event. Therefore I am quite inclined to keep on using the term “scroll”. But actually the name of this finished project doesn’t really matter. The recipient, Kail, who got surprised with this scroll at his vigil, told me that he really loves his viking knighting scroll. And this makes me very happy as I am quite proud of the…
Scriptorium – new scroll blanks for the Kingdom of Meridies :)
Well, this was definitely a first for me. Never before did I go home after an SCA event with more scroll blanks than I had before… *lol* But first things first. Mistress Mara Palmer, who is doing an awesome job coordinating the scrolls supplied by the local scribes with the scroll demand of the current Royal Majesties, had several blanks with lovely artwork in her case. But they all had one thing in common – they were in need of some calligraphy…
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