Wooohooo! The scroll for the “Rose Tournament” is finished! 😀 After all the recent postings about my progress concerning this project, I proudly present to you a picture of my finished scroll for the winner of the “Rose Tournament”. A tourney which will take place at the upcoming Gulf Wars event! 😀 Looking back it seems like I just started working on this scroll. However, I know just too well that I worked for about 2 weeks on it. It is really amazing how fast time can go by when you are concentrating on a project. Like the hours just flew by as i was adding paint and ink to the pergamenata. But all that really counts at…
- Gulf Wars, Inspiration for Scrolls - 14th century, Kingdom of Meridies, Misc. Scrolls, Rose Tournament, SCA, SCA Events, Scriptorium, Scrolls for Tournaments
- Calligraphy, Gulf Wars, Inspiration for Scrolls - 14th century, Kingdom of Meridies, Misc. Scrolls, Rose Tournament, SCA, SCA Events, Scriptorium, Scrolls for Tournaments
Scriptorium – working on the scroll for the “Rose Tournament” at Gulf Wars .1
…and finally, after finishing the two scrolls which were on my to-do list, as well as the artwork for the vigil book for my husbands knighting, I am able to catch some breath again. And it’s definitely time to show you more of the progress that I made concerning my most recent projects. Well, at least the progress of the projects which don’t need to remain secret until they’ve reached their recipient at war… 😉 In todays posting I am going to show you an update concerning the scroll for the winner of the rose tournament, which will be held at Gulf Wars. I’ve already posted about my very first progress concerning…
- Calligraphy, Kingdom of Meridies, SCA, Scriptorium, Scroll - Order of the Argent Comet, Scroll - Order of the Argent Shield
Scriptorium – some new blank scrolls… :D
And here are two new blank scrolls which I finished while preparing for the calligraphy on the “Rose Tournament” scroll for the winner of the rose tourney at Gulf Wars. At the left you can see a finished blank scroll for the “Order of the Argent Shield“. The artisan who made the lovely illumination at the bottom of the scroll unfortunately forgot to provide a name on the back. However, I believe that the illumination can be attributed to Isabella de Boyce. It’s quite a pleasure to see how nice my Batarde/Bastarda hand works with the illumination at the bottom. 🙂
- Calligraphy, Gulf Wars, Kingdom of Meridies, Misc. Scrolls, Rose Tournament, SCA, SCA Events, Scriptorium, Scroll - Order of the Cygnet, Scroll - Order of the Guiding Hand, Scrolls for Tournaments
Scriptorium – working on the scroll for the “Rose Tournament” at Gulf Wars and some new blank scrolls… :D
…and now, that I got the “ok” to share my current project with you, I can spill the news and reveal what I was working on during the last days: The scroll for the “Rose Tournament” at Gulf Wars! 😀 Though being asked to provide the scroll for the winner of the “Rose Tournament” at Gulf Wars – a very prestigious and great tournament – was quite a surprise for me, I felt very honored and immediately agreed to take on this task. And knowing that some of my dear friends as well as my husband will take part in this tournament – either as fighter or inspiring “rose” (former queens within…
Gulf Wars preparation & great news for my husband… :D
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! My husband was asked to join the order of the chivalry during court at War college in Alabama! 😀 It already happened more than a week ago but – gosch – this awesome news still seems so amazing and unreal to me. Like it is just too good to be true. And being the natural skeptic that I am, I might actually not believe it until it really happens… We will see… And… Omg! Omg! Omg! Well, sure, I hoped that this day would come eventually but when it finally happened, it completely blindsided me. I can not even imagine how surprised and excited my sweetheart was……
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Gold embroidery / gold work, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Silk Thread, Surface Couching
More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .5.3 – some gold thread embellishment for the border of the rose leaf :)
The days are rushing by and another week is coming to its end. Yeah, the weekend is close and I know quite too well that I have less and less time left for my super secret embroidery project. But that’s fine as I am making really good progress. In fact I am just some days away from finishing the main part of the project – the embroidery – which normally takes the longest… And I will need any day I can spare for the other project on my to do list before Gulf Wars. No, it’s not another sewing project for my husband or I for war. I promised to make a scroll for…
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Gold embroidery / gold work, Gold Thread, How to start a new thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Misc. step by step embroidery tutorials, Projects, Rose, Rose embroidery for Elisenda's 14th century hood, Silk Thread, Surface Couching
More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .5.2 – some gold thread embellishment for the border of the rose leaf :)
Woohoo! I am working on a super secret project at the moment! 😀 …and though I can’t really share any information or progress pictures concerning the new project until it’s finished and the recipient got it, you really don’t need to worry that I might take a break from posting until the project is finished. On the contrary! I took so many pictures of my recent embroidery and sewing projects that I can keep you quite busy until I can finally reveal my new, super secret project. 🙂 Which brings me right to the topic of todays posting. In my last two postings I showed you my two work steps concerning the silk shading embroidery for the rose…
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Long and short Stitch, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Misc. step by step embroidery tutorials, Projects, Silk Shading, Silk Thread
More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .5.1 – the rose leaf embroidery or my first “silk shading” :)
In my last posting “More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .5 – the rose leaf embroidery or my first “silk shading” 🙂” I showed you how I established the foundation for the silk shading technique by creating an initial layer along the outer border of one of my rose leaves. And today we are going to take a look at the second step concerning the rose leaf and the above mentioned silk shading technique.
- 14th century hood with roses for Elisenda de Luna, 14th century projects, Crewelwork, Embroidery, Long and short Stitch, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Silk Shading, Silk Thread
More about the rose embroidery for my friends hood .5 – the rose leaf embroidery or my first “silk shading” :)
I wish you all a happy new year! And hope that you had a good and enjoyable “slide” from the old year into the new one, as we tend to say in Austria! 😀 Looking retrospectively at the last year, it amazes me how fast 2016 actually went by. The last year was very busy, as it was filled with many different projects, research, learning, a lot of laughter and love but also some tears as some of us had to say good bye to some dear friends and family members…
Merry Christmas and a happy new year! :D
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