It’s time for some awesome embroidered patches! You remember the fun-project “Patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project”? I have really great news! I already got two wonderful embroidered patches for my wedding cloak! đ By courtesy of Hilkka Susinen I may show you the pictures of the very first 2 embroidered patches. This beautiful patches were sent to me from Ireland – embroidered by my dear friend Hilkka.
- 12th century projects, Gulf Wars, Kingdom of Meridies, Patches for my 12th century wedding dress project, Projects, Racaire, SCA
Embroidered patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project
“Patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project” for my 12th century SCA wedding at Gulf Wars 2015 When we were planning my wedding dress, my sister Bella had a lovely idea for a great fun project: “Patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project” This project gives you the possibility to contribute an embroidered patch to my wedding cloak, an important part of my wedding dress ensemble. This way you can become a part of my “wedding dress project” and my wedding, if you like. Because the temperatures at Gulf Wars during the day are rather high, some of you may wonder why I want to make and wear…
- Bead Embroidery, Blackwork, Books, Books - Embroidery, Books - Handsewing, Crewelwork, Embroidery, Essential Stitch Guides, Hand-Sewing, Royal School of Needlework, Stumpwork, White Work
Useful Embroidery Books for Beginners
Now I have this lovely and nearly empty “virgin” blog in front of me and the blog postings of more than 8.5 years – about 2.300 postings “behind me”. This count includes many book reviews as you can imagine. I can really draw on plentiful resources and I am willing to do take advantage of it. đ During the last 14 years I bought many books about embroidery, historical costuming, medieval art, calligraphy, museum catalogues,… – just to mention a few. And since I started blogging in April 2005, I reviewed several of them.
- Blog - Racaire's Embroidery & Needlework, Copyright, Embroidery, Kingdom of Drachenwald, Kingdom of Meridies, Klosterstich, Misc., my Award of Arms, my Meridian Cross, my Order of the Panache, my SCA - Awards, Racaire, SCA
Racaire’s Embroidery & Needlework is back – a new year & fresh beginning…
Happy Valentine day to you! đ I thought this special day would be perfect for the fresh re-beginning of “Racaire’s Embroidery & Needlework”. Yes, like some of you might have already noticed, my blog – Racaire’s Embroidery & Needlework – was down for some time. After nearly 9 years of blogging with ca. 2.300 postings, it was time for a fresh beginning. A new beginning with a “virgin” blog and the possibility to protect my photos/ work/ research from further misuse. Well, already about 4-5 years ago I started to run into my work/photos at other blogs and websites without references and/or links back to me at a rather regular…