…another sneak peek at my latest embroidery progress for the 14th century French pouch commission I am working at – enjoy! 😀 I am very pleased about the progress and I really like how it already looks like. …and I ask myself why I haven’t tried this technique before. 😉
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Step 5.2 – finishing – the cords for the fastening/closing :)
Well, you can do everything you wish with your threads – this here is just a suggestion for a very fast and easy technique how you can make two fast strings for the fastening/closing. Count your threads – you have 2 colors on each side with 2 threads for each color – the most easy and fast braiding needs 3 threads. That means, if you count every color as just one string (if you want to keep the sides balanced and the threads homogeneous instead of braiding with 1-1-2 strings) then you need one pair extra on every side. For this purpose you need to see how long the threads…
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Step 5.1 – finishing – last work at the padding :)
You maybe remember that we added some padding and I don’t really like the idea of “free” padding which can move – therefore lets do some finishing to restrict this freedom 😉 Ok, I admit it, this are just some extra stitches to get rid of the last thread I have on the needle and to keep the padding in place. As you can see on the picture above, I just continue with sewing.
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Step 4 – medieval finishing technique for the border :)
Ok, first we started with some embroidery and embroidered a nice “stripe” of fabric using a medieval embroidery technique – “German Brick Stitch” for our very first “Craft with Racaire” project – a small embroidered needle-roll. …and yesterday I showed you in my detailed photo tutorial how to assemble the needle-roll. Today I put together another very detailed photo tutorial for you. In this photo tutorial I will show you a nice medieval (or like some people like to call it: “period”) technique for the seam treatment at the borders.
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Step 3 – basic assembling of the needle-roll
Welcome to step 3.1 of my first project for “Craft with Racaire” – this time we assemble the needle-roll. In my opinion needle-rolls are a perfect little gift for everyone who uses needles in one way or another. Years ago I got my very first needle roll from my dear friend Gunnhild from Hamburg. It already shows several signs of usage because I took it with me wherever I travelled. To Germany, Finland, England, Sweden and even to the USA. This lovely small needle roll still contains all my sewing and embroidery needles and reminds me of my friend and the events we both went to…
14th century French Pouch .1 – first embroidery
Recently I was speaking about a pouch project with a customer who wanted to complete his 14th century kit with an embroidered pouch made by me. Well, while I was showing him pictures concerning period solutions for the pouch lacing he just fell in love with an extant 14th century French pouch I showed him… *lol* That was the end of the German Brick Stitch pouch project he had on mind before and the start for something new – my new 14th century French pouch commission – and best of all, I have to use a technique I have known for years now and already thought about to try but…
Sneak Peak – Craft with Racaire – Needle-roll #1
Great news! I just finished my Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – needle-roll #1. …and I took more than plenty pictures for some nice tutorials for you. Pictures like the ones of how I assembled the needle-roll and how I made this small tassels. They are just waiting for me to turn them into some nice tutorials for you. 🙂 My project #2 is also already finished – my gaming pouch for my 14th century backgammon game box – I just need to take some pictures of the finished pouch for you as soon as I find some time for it.
Impressions from Vienna – my favorite “Konditorei”
…and now something for my friends who live in the states, Australia, … and never have been to Vienna – some pictures for you taken at one of my favorite places here in Vienna – the “Konditorei” Groissböck – but well, you can also call it a sweet heaven. 😀 Something we are really proud of here in Vienna are the countless cakes and other “Mehlspeisen” you can get here. Well, a good coffee and a great piece of “Torte” – an awesome combination. 😉
- 14th century projects, Adornments, Pouch, Pouch for my 14th century inspired Backgammon Game, Projects, Tassels
Sneak peek – more progress pictures of my 14th century inspired gaming pouch
Are you ready to start your week with some new progress pictures? I definitely am! 😉 About two days ago I thought that it is definitely time for some fun for me and many new progress pictures for you and I started working at my side project again… I admit it, after my in-deepth posting about German Brick Stitch and step 2 for my “Craft with Racaire” project #1, I definitely needed a short break from German Brick Stitch. Therefore I started working again at my 14th century inspired gaming pouch for my 14th century inspired backgammon game. That means that I got really very busy with handsewing, fingerloop braiding and…
Impressions from Vienna – Schwarzenbergplatz & Belvedere
More impressions from Vienna, the city that has been my “home town” for such a long time and still will be for some weeks… I guess I love Vienna as much as I hate it, but that might be also true for many others who spent nearly their whole life in one and the same city. A city that sometimes seems to contain more tourists than citizens – especially when you make the mistake to visit the inner city during day time… 😉 *lol*
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