And once again a posting about my most recent embroidery project – my medieval islamic inspired embroidery project for my dear mother-in-law, Gloria. I can’t tell you how great it feels to find some time and peace to post about this project again. It is a very special project which is very close to my heart. I intended to write my next posting about it earlier but then life happened. Yeah, the last two weeks were quite rough on me. I twisted my ankle quite badly and if that wasn’t already enough, I also got a really bad stomach bug. However, there is no cause for concern – my ankle as well…
- 10th to 15th century - medieval islamic inspired embroidery, Bayeux Stitch, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Islamic, Islamic laid and couched work, Medieval Embroidery, OvO - Order of the velvet Owl - pouch, Projects
- 10th to 15th century - medieval islamic inspired embroidery, Bayeux Stitch, Books, Books - Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Islamic, Islamic laid and couched work, OvO - Order of the velvet Owl - pouch, Projects, Refilsaum
…my medieval islamic inspired embroidery project – from the medieval inspiration to an actual pattern or “an interesting journey” .2
And today we are taking another close look at my very first medieval islamic inspired embroidery project – the OvO pouch for Gloria, my dear mother-in-law. My last posting was about the problems I had to solve concerning the Arabic inscription of the extant medieval islamic embroidery before I could even think about starting with the actual embroidery. But once this initial problem was resolved, I could continue with exploring the embroidery technique which was used for the extant medieval islamic piece which inspired me.
- 10th to 15th century - medieval islamic inspired embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Islamic, Islamic laid and couched work, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum - Online Collections, OvO - Order of the velvet Owl - pouch, Projects, Thoughts about working with medieval patterns...
…my medieval islamic inspired embroidery project – from the medieval inspiration to an actual pattern or “an interesting journey” .1
Today we’re taking another close look at my very first medieval islamic inspired embroidery project – the OvO pouch for Gloria, my dear mother-in-law. The path which starts with the initial inspiration and finally leads to the finished project is not always easy. Sometimes one has to follow a quite difficult way and get rid of one obstacle after another. And yes, this project was one of those not quite so easy ones and sent me on an interesting journey…
…and my 7th tablet woven band is finished :D
Wooohooo! I just finished my 7th tablet woven band! *veryhappydance* The pattern I chose for my new tablet woven band is not very complicated but it looks really great and I like it. The purple and the yellow work so much better together than I initially anticipated. This band definitely makes a great addition to my tablet woven band stash for future tunic sewing projects for my sweetheart.
- 10th to 15th century - medieval islamic inspired embroidery, Bayeux Stitch, Embroidery, Embroidery Links, Embroidery Patterns, Islamic, Islamic laid and couched work, Materials, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum - Online Collections, OvO - Order of the velvet Owl - pouch, Projects, Refilsaum, Wool-Silk Thread
Gloria’s OvO pouch with medieval islamic inspired embroidery – my period inspiration :D
My previous posting, “super secret project revealed: OvO pouch with medieval islamic inspired embroidery“, already contained a sneak peek at this very special embroidery project. And today I am going to show you the period inspiration for my medieval islamic inspired embroidery project. 🙂 But let’s talk about the project first. When I took on this project, I was already aware that it wouldn’t be a simple task for me. Being so close to the recipient – Gloria, my beloved mother-in-law – made this embroidery project easier but also much more difficult at the same time.
- Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Crown Tournament, Misc., Photos, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, SCA Events
Meridian Spring Crown Tournament 2017 – photos are online! :D
The last days I not only worked on getting rid of the Spring Crown Tournament aftermath at home. I also worked my way through all the photos I took during the tournament. And here are some of my personal favorites: From afar as well as from up close is this pavilion set up quite impressive – all these banners, the tapestries in the background… *sigh* I really love this set up. But I am not quite sure to whom this pavilion, the tapestries and all the banners belong. However, this doesn’t dampen the great inspiration it provides for the future…
Border Raids 2017 – photos are online… :)
After getting rid of most of the Crown Tournament aftermath at home, I finally found the time to pick my most favorite picture taken at Border Raids in Tennessee two weeks ago: The Baron & Baroness of the Barony of Glaedenfeld are not only very handsome, they are also very nice and gentle. And they are definitely one of my favorite couples within the SCA. Yeah, I can’t help it, I am a helpless romantic… 🙂
- 12th century crusader kit, 12th century projects, 12th century sideless fighting surcote / tunic, Blog - Racaire's Embroidery & Needlework, Kingdom of Meridies, Misc., Photos, Projects, Racaire, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, sideless fighting surcote / tunic
Racaire is now also on Instagram… :D
Yes, it’s true, now you can find me on Instagram too! And after taking a look at my rather new account, I just can’t believe how many pics I already posted there… *lol* One morning I woke up and simply decided to go with the time which meant to embrace yet another app. And to my utter amazement Instagram seems to be quite amusing despite its simplicity. Or maybe it’s just so nice to handle because it is such a rather simple app…
…and my 6th tablet woven band is finished :D
Wooohooo! I finished my 6th tablet woven band! *happy dance* “Hienoja koukkupolvia pienomenaisten kanssa” / “Fine crooked knees with small applesies” is definitely the most difficult pattern from the book “Applesies and Fox Noses – Finished Tabletwoven Bands” which I tried so far. As I am still rather new to the tablet weaving technique, I just started to discover the slightly more difficult patterns. Yeah, I am not longer “just” rotating all cards forward or backward… 😉
My 5th tablet woven band is finished… :D
Wooohooo! I just finished my 5th tablet woven band! 😀 Though the last days were quite busy for me, I didn’t give up on my most recent tablet weaving project. Every day, whenever I sat down on the couch, I took my weaving frame and worked for at least 30 minutes on my tablet woven band. And finally it paid off! My new tablet woven band is finished!
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