You know that I am very busy working at my project, but I took some time to take photos for you of my recent progress and to post another “sneak peek progress” for you – enjoy 😀
Medieval Embroidery Basics – how to start a new thread / “sew in the thread” :)
I normally don’t care much about the “basic” techniques I use because… Well, actually there is no because – I “just”use them. Though they come rather natural to me, it seems like they are not so basic to others like I thought. While I was chatting with a member of my blog about my recent tutorials, I was rather surprised to get to know that what I considered “common” knowledge was rather new to her. Therefore I decided for the future also to take a look at my simple and basic steps and to share them from time to time. I am starting today by adding the new category “Basic” to…
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .4
Yes, I know that my helpful little cat Cleo(patra) has her own fans and yes, I know that you miss the photos I posted of her during the last years. …and I have great news for all the cat fans among you – I put all photos of Cleo on my tablet and during the next weeks and months I will go through this photo albums and find the most cutest pics for you and share them… I promise! 😀
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .3
…the main part of the first quarter of the 14th century French pouch is nearly finished and I already started with the second quarter… I love the red color… 😀 Enjoy! 🙂
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .2
During the last days I primarily focused on my current project and therefore I have some new progress pics for you – enjoy 😀
Impressions from Vienna – Schönbrunn – welcome to the 18th century
It is sunday again and I went for another walk through the beautiful palace garden of the Schönbrunn palace. It seemed to me that some of you very enjoyed the pictures I took the last time, therefore I took again some pictures during my walk for you. There are so many ways one can take through the palace garden of Schönbrunn and every weekend I try to take another way. Again also this time – I took a completely different way. Therefore I have some nice pictures and information especially of “The Obelisk Fountain”, the remains of the “nordöstliche Trophäengruppe” and the “Gloriette” for you this time. I hope you will enjoy…
FAQ – concerning my new blog – why I restrict content to registered members
FAQ – concerning my new blog No, you don’t need to have a wordpress account – you can still access my new blog without an account and also see a lot of my content. Due to recent copyright issues, I have elected to protect my efforts and research by creating a more secure format. After I took down my blog completely I was contacted by multiple viewers and asked to start blogging again and they proposed a membership system. I liked this idea of posting in a protected environment because it will prevent my content from further copyright issues as well as any further information and tutorials I am going to…
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Needle-roll #1 – Final result & Summery of all Steps
The final result of my first project for “Craft with Racaire” – Needle-roll #1 Summary of all links & content for “Craft with Racaire” – Project #1 – Needle-roll #1: 1st step & posting: “Craft with Racaire – Needle-roll #1“ This step is about getting all the materials for the embroidery together and some basic tips & hints concerning choosing your materials. 2nd step & posting: “Craft with Racaire – Needle-roll #1 & German Brick Stitch Pattern #2” This step explains how to read the chart of my German Brick Stitch Pattern #2. Furthermore some tips and tricks are provided how you work this technique and how you can simplify your life when…
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Step 5 – Summery
…and finally we will finish the needle-roll – the last work at the padding, we make the cords for the closing & rather fast and easy tassels:
- #1 Needle Roll, Adornments, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, German Brick Stitch, German Brick Stitch Pattern #2, Hand-Sewing, Tassels
Craft with Racaire – Project #1 – Step 5.3 – finishing – fast and easy tassels… :)
This posting is about: “how to make fast and easy tassels…” …at the end of a cord. Yes, there is a very fast and rather easy way to make this cute small tassels which you can see at the picture underneath: …and here a description of what you need and how you can make them:
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