…and again another week started – it is really amazing how time flies by when one is busy working at something or having fun. Nevertheless, to make this monday a little bit more endurable for all of you who don’t like mondays – here is another sneak peek picture at my latest progress of my 14th century French pouch – enjoy! 😀 It looks cute, doesn’t it? I have to admit that I really enjoy working at this unicorn… 🙂
Impressions from Vienna – Tiergarten Schönbrunn – dragon-heads and other interesting things…
…and again another “embroidery-posting-free” sunday with more impressions from the Tiergarten Schönbrunn for you. This week I have some new and interesting photos for you like pictures of traditional “Drachenköpfe” (dragon-heads), an about 100 Million year old stone plate,… But first I would like to tell you why I find the building on the picture above – the “Tirolerhof” – so interesting: This farm house, as you can see on the picture above and underneath, is a real old traditional farm house. It was relocated from the alps to Vienna. Yes, stone for stone – from the alps to Vienna. Amazing what people can do, isn’t it? …and in my…
- 14th century French pouch 1, 14th century projects, Basics, Embroidery, How to match colours, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
14th century French Pouch .1 – which color for the hood? …an easy way to match colors
Well, today I have a very special topic for you concerning my 14th century French pouch: “Which color for the hood?”. Furthermore this is also a very good reason for another posting about very “basic techniques”. In particular I want to show you “an easy way to match colors” today. 🙂 But first things first – as you can imagine, I have many possible colors which I could use for the “hood” in the 2nd section of my 14th century French pouch. Well, it’s great to have so many colors to chose from but that’s also the point where the “grande miseria” begins. Now I have to decide which color out of…
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .11
I admit it, I was very busy during the last days. Not only with “mundane stuff” concerning my visa for the states – which btw. got approved this week *happydance* – but also with working at my 14th century French pouch. I am very happy to tell that I completed another section – section 3! …and furthermore I have a sneak peek at the 4th section for you at which I already started working – enjoy! 😀 I really like the unicorn – it’s so cute, isn’t it. *lol*
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .10
…and again – for your daily inspiration and enjoyment – another progress picture of my embroidery for my 14th century French pouch. The third section is nearly finished and I really like the effect of the white and yellow sections framed by the bright red – but see for yourself and enjoy! 😀 …and again a nice detail photo for my Advanced and Premium members – enjoy 😀
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .9
Great news! I am already working at the first tutorial for the second “Craft with Racaire” project – my fast and easy gaming-pouch for my 14th century inspired Backgammon game box or how I started to call it: “the most simple handsewn-pouch I can imagine”. I promise you – just some days and you get to see some new pictures of it including a tutorial how you can make your own. Well, concerning my own gaming-pouch on which my tutorial is based – I am happy to say that I already finished it. Needless to say, but I say it nevertheless – I love it! 😉 Because the tutorial is not…
- 14th century French pouch 1, 14th century projects, Basics, Embroidery, How to "park" threads, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .8 & short basic embroidery hint
…a new week just started and what is better then starting a new week with new progress and another “short basic embroidery hint”? …yeah, I have again new embroidery progress concerning my 14th century French pouch for you – enjoy! 🙂 …as you can see at the following pictures – section 1 & 2 are nearly finished and I already started with section 3:
Impressions from Vienna – Tiergarten Schönbrunn – chicken of doom,…
…and again another “embroidery-posting-free” sunday with more impressions from Vienna. This time again from the Tiergarten Schönbrunn – which is (still) the oldest zoo of the world and in my personal opinion one of the best zoos of the world. You can find more pictures and additional information of the Tiergarten Schönbrunn in my posting <here> …and yes, I really think I found the “chicken of doom”, as well as other cute poultry like fluffy “SILKY”s – a chicken species already known for 1000 years in Asia – and a rather rare goat species, nearly extinct… …but let’s start with the chicken of doom: …now you might ask – chicken of…
- 14th century French pouch 1, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Wool-Silk Thread
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .7
…gosch, this was really a short and busy week, wasn’t it? Anyway, to celebrate the weekend I have some new progress pictures of my 14th century French Pouch commission for you. 😀 …wooohoooo – I just started adding the 4th color according to the wishes of my customer… Do you see it? Though I remember that some people say that white is no color, I count it as color number 4 in this case. *lol*
14th century French Pouch .1 – sneak peek progress .6
…and again I spent some hours working at my “14th century French pouch”. Therefore I have some new progress photos for you – enjoy!
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