After my short tablet-weaving excursion on my new tablet-weaving loom I continued working on my current “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. I felt very inspired after my recent work at Saint Michaels face and head and therefore I started working at Saint Michaels tunic. 😀 It find it really amazing how every added stitch and every added section makes this project look more and more like an “proper” design from the 12th century to me.
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
My new tablet weaving loom & my 2nd try of weaving with tablets :)
*Wow* Yesterday I was out with my sister Martina and she had an awesome gift for me – a tablet weaving loom! Many thanks to my sister for this lovely loom – I will do my best to cherish it! *happydance* 😀 I really liked and adored her tablet weaving loom for quite some time in secret and when I told her that yesterday, she replied to me that I can have it… *omg* *happydance* …now her pretty baby is mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! *lol* 😉 …and a picture of my new “baby” – my pretty new tablet weaving loom – isn’t it pretty? 😀 As you can see at the picture…
- 12th century art, 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum Photos, Museums - Germany, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michaels 12th century face finished – sneak peek.10
Yesterday I made again some good progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon“. 😀 It was really a hard struggle with the thread, the needle and the fabric but finally Saint Michael got his 12th century face. I am very happy and also very proud of how it turned out. When you compare the original outlines at the picture at the top left with the embroidery underneath, you will see that the final embroidery looks really very different. Though the final shape of his face might look odd to our modern eyes, it is based on a period example which I found on a 12th century wallhanging.
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.9
…and again some new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon“. As you can see at the picture underneath, I made some nice progress during the weekend. The feet of the dragon are now completely filled. I also managed to get a part of the tail and of the outer border done. As expected, the feet really “pop out” in this outer border. I like this effect. 🙂 …and here a new progress picture for you – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century nailbinded cap, 12th century projects, Books, Projects, Projects - Nailbinding, Tassels
Revisited – 12th century nailbinded cap in purple with tassel
I recently got to know that the purple 12th century nailbinded cap which I made in december 2013 finally arrived safe in the hands of my beautiful sister Bella in the states. Actually it was meant to be a christmas present. But due to all the mundane stress I had during the turn of the year, I unfortunately forgot to send it till spring. …and then – *panic* – it seemed that the cap got lost in the mail…. I was really frightened that the cap might got lost in the mail until I got the releasing message from my sister. Therefore I decided to celebrate the arrival and to revisit my…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.8
*Wow* I already spent about 60 hours embroidering at my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon“. I am very glad to say that about one third of the embroidery is already finished by now. Though this medieval embroidery technique is rather slow, I am really happy about the achieved progress. It seems to me that the longer I am working at this project, the faster I get. However, working at this embroidery is a great fun for me and I still consider this a fun project. 😀 …and here are some new progress pictures for you – enjoy! 😀
- #2 Fast & easy Pouch, 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Hand-Sewing, Pouch for my 14th century inspired Backgammon Game, Projects
Craft with Racaire – Project 2 – fast and easy pouch tutorial – Step 3.1 – hand sewing – pinning the top :)
…and after all the recent progress photos of my new 12th century project “Saint Michael and the Dragon” lets get back again to my second “Craft with Racaire” project – the fast and easy pouch tutorial. There is still some hand sewing to do until the pouch is finished. …and I took many step-by-step pictures for this project which I would like to share with you… 🙂 In my tutorials concerning step 1 of this project I told you about the materials you need and how I work with “rapports“. I also gave detail information about the used basic hand sewing techniques Running Stitch and Back Stitch and their use in medieval embroidery. In my last postings and tutorials for step 2 I showed you…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.7 – Saint Michaels red shield :)
…and again new embroidery progress concerning my current medieval embroidery project: “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon“. The shield of Saint Michael is nearly finished and I also made very good progress concerning the background. I love how the red and purple of the shield work together. This colors also work well together with the outlines of the shield and the color of the background as you can see on the next pictures… …and before I bother you with more text of how Saint Michaels shield turned out, please take a look yourself at the new progress pictures I have for you – enjoy! 😀
Short side note – Cleos new “cat sewing basket”… ;)
I know, many of you are cat and/or Cleo fans and I haven’t posted a photo of Cleo for a long time now. …but today I have one for you again… While packing my stuff for the move to the states I decided to give my “sewing basket” to Cleo. I knew that she really likes it. She always used every chance to get inside it… …and what happened? …you can find her every day sleeping in her new beloved cat sewing basket now. Well, at least when she doesn’t decide that it is time for snuggling… 😉
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.6 – filling the shield outlines
Today I have again some embroidery progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” for you. I already started filling the outlines of Michaels shield and also continued working at the tail of the dragon. The effect of the purple and white for the shield is lovely and really “pops” and I am very happy about this color decision. I haven’t decided yet with which color I want to fill the small circles but I will definitely fill the main part of the shield with red. 🙂 …and finally, here the new progress picture for you – enjoy! 😀
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