It’s time again to show you another awesome patch I got for my wedding cloak project! I proudly present to you this beautiful embroidered patch for my 12th century wedding cloak project by courtesy of lady Sorcha de Lenche. It was hand embroidered by the lovely and very talented lady Sorcha de Lenche. Who is not only a very talented artisan but also a very kind and nice lady. She sent this beautiful hand embroidered wedding cloak patch from the SCA Barony Montengarde situated in the Principality of Avacal, a part of the mighty SCA Kingdom of An Tir. 😀
- 12th century art, 12th century projects, Embroidery, Kingdom of An Tir, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum - Online Collections, Patches for my 12th century wedding dress project, Projects, Split Stitch
- 10th century art, 12th century art, 13th century art, 14th century art, Embroidery, Exhibitions, Inspiration for Scrolls - 10th century, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum - Online Collections, Museum Photos, Projects, Scriptorium, Scroll Peerage - Knighting
Interesting Links – inspiration for a 10th century SCA knighting scroll and more…
It appears somehow funny and also really amazing to me how Fortuna works from time to time… *lol* Yesterday I was talking about a very special scroll commission for a SCA peerage scroll. About a 10th century SCA knighting scroll for the upcoming knighting ceremony of a friend – btw. my very first peerage scroll! 🙂 …and today I already run into an inspiration for it, awesome coincidence, isn’t it… *lol* Well, I don’t worry much about the fact that I have never done a peerage scroll till now. I already made so many scrolls that even a peerage scroll is also “just” another scroll for me. Like always I hope that the…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.16 – Saint Michaels first layer bottom part finished
I made again good progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. Today I can show you the work result of the last two evenings. I finished Saint Michaels first layer at the bottom and already embroidered the outlines for his feet. 🙂 Oh my, he has sooooo cute little feet… *lol*
Cleo again or another “cat trap” that works… ;)
Yesterday I got a great book. Well, no, I got one of the best books about medieval textiles and embroidery ever…. *very very happy dance* 😀 …and it seems that by leaving the paper and the cardboard covering on the couch, I set up another great working “cat trap”. Yeah, not only boxes work… 😉 I thought you might enjoy the photos of Cleo seizing the paper and the cardboard covering of the new book I fetched from the mail office. She looks just too cute on the photos – I really had to share them. 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.15 – second layer of Saint Michaels garment finished
I think I know what you would like to see next… 🙂 …you would definitely like to see some new pictures of my recent embroidery progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project, don’t you? 😉 Yes, I know, you would also like to see pictures of my “Mission Medieval Berlin“, “Mission Medieval Florenz” and the final steps for the 2nd “Craft with Racaire” project – the “fast and easy pouch tutorial“… Well, I won’t post about all this topics today but I will do my best to post about them – and even more – during the next days. I promise! 😀 After my short trip to…
Short note – Mission Medieval Florenz
I was invited to a city trip and there are just some minutes left before I leave for the night train from Vienna to Florenz (Florence) in Italy. Like always I will look for everything medieval and will take as many pics as I can. On monday I will be back again and will be able to tell you more about my trip. I wish you some lovely days and a wonderful weekend Best regards and “Bussi” from Vienna Racaire 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.14 – Saint Michaels garment .2
…and again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. I just finished the right side of the second layer of Saint Michaels garment and now I am already working at the left side. As you can see at the next picture – the outlines are finished and I just need to fill the new embroidery sections.
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.13 – Saint Michaels garment .1
…and again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. I added more stitches to Saint Michaels garment – more outlines and also more filling stitches. 🙂 I think that the drapery of his second layer at the bottom looks very pretty and I can’t wait to see how it will look like with more outlines and filling… 😀
- #2 Fast & easy Pouch, 14th century projects, Back Stitch, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, How to start a new thread, Pouch for my 14th century inspired Backgammon Game, Projects
Craft with Racaire – Project 2 – fast and easy pouch tutorial – Step 3.2 – hand sewing – how to start a new thread & hide it .2 :)
I know, when I am having fun with an embroidery project, I tend to forget everything around me… *lol* But well, I love embroidery and I also love posting new progress pictures for you… 😀 Now, after I made some really nice progress concerning my new 12th century project “Saint Michael and the Dragon“, it is time to go back again to my second “Craft with Racaire” project: the fast and easy pouch tutorial. Wow, I have so many projects at which I am working at the moment and already so many ideas for new projects that I really should finish this one as soon as possible… 😀 In the last posting I showed you how…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.12 – Saint Michaels garment
…and again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. I am very happy to say that slowly but steadily Saint Michaels garment is “growing”. Last time I started with the outlines of the tunic and today I can already show you how this sections look like with the final filling. As you can see at the progress pictures above, I continued working at the upper part of the tunic and filled them with white. I also started working at the first part of the “second layer” of Saint Michaels garment in a nice dark blue. Last but not least I also finished the bottom part of his spear. 😀
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