And again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” embroidery project. 😀 *Wooohooo* Endspurt! Yeah, I am diligently working at the last embroidered border of my medieval embroidery project and I can already imagine the end of my project… *happydance* 🙂 …and here a new photo of my recent embroidery progress for you – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.24 – Endspurt!
And again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” embroidery. 😀 *Wow* Filling the second blue border with this medieval embroidery technique takes nearly forever but I am definitely not giving up. Despite all this never ending rows of small stitches and the awfully slow progress, I already made good progress on this last part of the embroidery. I am very confident of being able to finish this border and furthermore this embroidery project during the next days. 🙂 …and here two pictures of the recent progress of my medieval embroidery project for you. The blue border is the result of several very busy embroidery evenings – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.23 – first (yellow) border finished
It took many long hours but I just completed another important part of my embroidery. Yes, I finally finished the work at the first border of my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” embroidery. 😀 As you can see on the picture underneath, a yellow border gently enframes my archangel Saint Michael now. Not only that, I also managed to finish the last part of the dragon. I added the last missing part of the dragons tail and completed the dragon. 🙂 …and here the picture with the recent progress of my medieval embroidery project for you – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.22 – after more than 100 working hours…
After more than 100 working hours I finally managed to finish the first major part of my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. 😀 It took many hours and an endless amount of tiny stitches but I just finished the main green background section of my embroidery. I am very pleased with the intermediate result of my embroidery project. Now I am very eager to finish my 12th century embroidery project. I really can’t wait to see the final result of my version of St. Michael and the Dragon. 🙂 …and here the picture of my new progress for you – enjoy! 😀 By the way – please take a look at…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.21 – Saint Michaels hand & sleeve finished :)
Again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon“. 😀 Wooohooo! I am very happy to tell that I just finished the embroidery of Saint Michaels hand and sleeve. *happydance* It feels so great that my handsome 12th century archangel – St Michael – is nearly finished now. I just have to fill some very small sections but they won’t make a big difference concerning the whole appearance… Such a pretty looking archangel… 🙂 …and here the picture of my new progress for you – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.20 – Saint Michaels cloak finished :)
…and again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project for you. 😀 Yesterday I showed you my first progress concerning Saint Michaels cloak and today I proudly present to you Saint Michaels finished red cloak. I feel very released. His cloak looks much better than I thought it would look like. He looks so handsome and cute wearing his striking red cloak, doesn’t he? 🙂 …and here the picture of my new progress for you – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.19 – working at Saint Michaels cloak :)
…and again I have new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project for you. 😀 After the recent progress at Saint Michaels sleeve I took a short brake from the work at the sleeve and started working at Saint Michaels cloak instead. …and here the picture of my new progress for you – enjoy! 😀
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.18 – working at Saint Michaels sleeve :)
…and again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. 😀 “End spurt”! Yes, I already reached the “end spurt” phase concerning the completion of Saint Michael. Just one hand, one sleeve and the cloak left and I already started working at Saint Michaels sleeve. 😀 …and here the picture of my new progress for you – enjoy! 😀
- #2 Fast & easy Pouch, Chain Stitch, Chain Stitch for Hand-Sewing, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing
Craft with Racaire – Project 2 – fast and easy pouch tutorial – Step 3.3 – Chain Stitch and how to use it for hand sewing
Maybe you remember my recent postings about some very basic but also very important techniques for embroidery & hand sewing. Basic techniques which we needed till now to successfully work at our current “Craft with Racaire” project – the fast and easy pouch tutorial. You can find my detailed postings about the embroidery techniques here: Running Stitch & Stem Stitch. In this postings you can also find detailed information concerning the hand sewing techniques: Running Stitch and Back Stitch and their practical application. This techniques were already a good start but I decided to take you one step further. Today I want to show you how you can easily embellish your pouch during your sewing process. Therefore we need a new technique for the next step,…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Split Stitch
12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon – sneak peek.17 – Feet! Saint Michaels feet are finished! ;)
Again new progress concerning my “12th century embroidery – Saint Michael and the Dragon” project. 😀 It took some hours but now I am very happy to say that I just finished Saint Michaels feet! Woohoo! He has feet now! Little, cute, hand embroidered feet… *lol* 😉 …and here the picture of my new progress for you – enjoy! 😀
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