Well, it seems like the creative powers are still flowing as cutting my second romanesque inspired teardrop stamp for my new 12th/13th century block printing project didn’t take very long. 🙂 Like the first “teardrop stamp with Arabic letters”, this second “teardrop stamp with birds” was also inspired by an extant printed fabric from the Romanesque era. Actually this two stamps are inspired by the printed pattern on just one piece of fabric from the 12th/13th century. And now, that I made this second stamp, I am finally able to reproduce the extant pattern which inspired me. Btw. you can read more about my first teardrop stamp (with the Arabic letters)…
Small surprise for my block printing project…
Sometimes my sweetheart can be very thoughtful. And after I got home from work today, I could tell that he had a very crafty day and weekend as he made some armor for his heavy fighting kit. But not only that, he also thought about my current block printing project and made another stamp pad – or however this thingies are called – for me. 🙂
- 12th century Block Print, 12th century projects, 13th century Block Print, 13th century projects, Projects, Projects - Block Printing, romanesque teardrop stamp
First 12th/13th century inspired block printing stamp finished! – Romanesque teardrop stamp .1
…and so it finally begins – a new stamp for my next medieval inspired block printing project is cut and mounted! Romanesque teardrop stamp for the win! And I already can’t wait to cut the next stamp as the 12th/13th century pattern which I want to reproduce and play with is calling for a set of at least two stamps. And not only that, I also have my eye already set on a third pattern which is quite similar in its outer appearance. I bet that this third medieval pattern would look lovely when added to this growing repertoire of what I started to call “romanesque teardrop stamps”. Yes, one…
Scriptorium – my secret 12th century scroll project – a Duchess scroll for Rhiannon of the Isle
While I was writing about the beautiful Grant of Arms scroll made by Meuric ap Rhys, which I just recently received, I remembered that I didn’t post about my own most recent and very secret 12th century scroll project yet. 🙂 But now that my most recent and very secret scroll was officially given out during court at coronation, I can tell you more about it. I made a 12th century based and inspired Duchess scroll for Rhiannon, Our beloved (former) Queen of the beautiful Kingdom of Meridies. It is the second 12th century scroll I ever made! And – by the way – this scroll is the very first one…
- 12th century Block Print, 12th century projects, 12th/13th century teardrop stamps, 13th century Block Print, 13th century projects, Books, Books - Textiles, Medieval Art, Museum, Museums - Germany, Projects, Projects - Block Printing, romanesque teardrop stamp
…a new 12th century project in the making…
I haven’t made anything for myself for over one year, as my dear sweetheart pointed out to me recently. And the good husband that he is, he made me swear that I would start working on a project for myself and my own amusement next. …or as I did put it: as soon as possible. 😉 However much fun it is to make things for other people, one has always to be careful not to work oneself to the brink of creative exhaustion. Therefore I find it really important to do a fun project from time to time in order to recharge the internal batteries. It feels to me like…
SCA – my beautiful “Grant of Arms” scroll made by Meuric ap Rhys
Well, as it is certain now, my last posting about the beautiful “Grant of Arms” scroll which I received at the recent Meridian Grand Tournament fell victim to some technical difficulties and can’t be retrieved. Nevertheless I would like to share this beautiful scroll with you and therefore decided to repost a much shorter version of my initial posting. And here is the beautiful “Grant of Arms” scroll made by Meuric ap Rhys which I received:
To cloth a queen…
As some of you might have already realized, I didn’t post as often as I normally do during the past couple months. As sad this fact made me, I have a really good reason for it. I was working like crazy at a 12th century coronation dress as well as a 12th century coronation underdress for our future Queen, our beloved princess Ysmay. But first things first. I was quite surprised but at the same time also tremendously happy when I got to know that our future King and Queen wanted to have a 12 th century themed coronation…
- Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Grand Tournament, Misc., Photos, SCA, SCA - Heavy Fighting, SCA Events
Meridian Grand Tournament – 09.2017 – photos are online! :D
We are back from another awesome SCA event – the Meridian Grand Tournament! Like in the years before, we had a terrific time. I got to watch my husband fight in several tournaments as well as in the grand final tournament. We got to hang out with dear “old” friends and new friends which we just met. Yeah, my sweetheart and I enjoyed ourselves tremendously. And what makes this already amazing day even better is that Our beloved Majesties decided to bestow a “Grant of Arms” upon me during court.
- 10th to 15th century - medieval islamic inspired embroidery, Bayeux Stitch, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Islamic, Islamic laid and couched work, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, OvO - Order of the velvet Owl - pouch, Projects, Silver Thread, Stem Stitch, Surface Couching, Surface Couching 2:1, Wool-Silk Thread
…my medieval islamic inspired embroidery project – the embroidery .1
Yes, I know, I was quite silent recently. But I had a very good reason for my break as I’ve been working like crazy on a fitted 12th century silk bliaut (dress) for the future Queen of the Kingdom of Meridies. …and like always – when it comes to special projects like these – the time frame for completion is very limited. The bliaut has to be finished before the upcoming coronation event – preferably sooner than later. However, you find me relatively relaxed as I already made some great progress. Her silk underdress is already finished as well as a good part of the bliaut. I am quite optimistic that…
- 10th to 15th century - medieval islamic inspired embroidery, Bayeux Stitch, Embroidery, Islamic laid and couched work, Medieval Embroidery, OvO - Order of the velvet Owl - pouch, Projects, Refilsaum, Wool-Silk Thread
…my medieval islamic inspired embroidery project – the embroidery
And today I am going to show you more pictures of my medieval islamic inspired embroidery for Gloria’s OvO pouch. Due to the time restraints of this project I didn’t get to take many pictures. However, I did my best to capture some of the more interesting parts for you. Therefore I hope that you’ll enjoy my progress pictures as much as I enjoyed working on this project.
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