The motto of yesterdays afternoon was: Calligraphy, calligraphy & some pen work! *wooohooo* đ Ok, first things first – a friend of my sweetheart will become a knight of the SCA in about 2 weeks. đ Every SCA award which is given out by the King and Queen during court at an SCA event is already a rather big deal but being elevated to the peerage – to become either a “Laurel”, a “Pelican” or a “Knight” – is one of the most important “awards”/elevations the SCA has to offer. Therefore I was very happy when I was asked to contribute to this very special moment by creating the Knighting scroll.
- 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Klosterstich, Projects, Rose
14th century rose embroidery pattern for Klosterstich
I have a nice surprise for my dear Craft with Racaire members: A 14th century rose embroidery pattern for Klosterstich! đ Wooohooo! It took some time but after working at it for several hours I finally finished another detailed embroidery pattern handout today. It is all about 14th century roses! Or to be me more precise, about one of them – my favorite one… đ
Racaireâs move to the USA â my sewing and crafting room progress :D
*woohoooo* I am so excited! I just managed to finish the major part of the planned “renovation work” at my new and also very first sewing and crafting room. đ I am really very excited and happy about my renovation progress. The walls are painted white now and I just finished putting in the last part of the new flooring. I even managed to paint the baseboard and the visible parts of the door frame. đ
- 14th century projects, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Needle Books, Projects, Stem Stitch, Travel & Largesse Fund
Another needle book with Klosterstich embroidery .4
…and besides all the work at the house, I managed to finish another needle book with Klosterstich embroidery for my Travel & Largesse Fund. đ Already for several days now I am busy working at my very first own sewing & crafting room as well as the adjacent rooms. Though it seems to take forever, it somehow pleases me to see the progress. It feels like the house is becoming more and more my/our home. đ
Scriptorium – Calligraphy – my “Batarde cheating sheets” :D
When it comes to other hobbies besides sewing and embroidery, calligraphy is one of my favorite pastimes. Whenever I feel that I need a break from my various embroidery and sewing projects, I try to work at calligraphy projects to clear my mind. Though this works really great and makes room for new power and inspiration, the major goal of my calligraphy projects is another one.
- 14th century projects, Embroidery, Fleur-de-Lis, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Needle Books, Projects, Travel & Largesse Fund
Another needle book with Klosterstich embroidery .3
Yes, I know, I already wanted to start working at my Klosterstich hands-on photo tutorial but I have to admit that I just finished another small needle book with Klosterstich embroidery instead. đ While I was getting the materials for my hands-on photo tutorial together, I realized that I still have two small patches with 14th century inspired Klosterstich embroidery which I haven’t turned into needle books yet…
What I did last weekend… or the “Tourney of the Foxes” :D
FAQ – materials for embroidery – threads, fibers & fabrics
Recently I already posted about research & medieval embroidery inspiration and today I will answer another question of one of my dear blog members about my materials for embroidery – my threads, fibers and fabrics. đ The actual question was: “…where do you buy the threads or fibers, and materials that they might have used back then?”.
- 14th century projects, Embroidery, Kingdom of Meridies, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, SCA, SCA Events, Tourney of the Foxes
…working at another small embroidered box – sneak peek at the top embroidery…
Today I was working at the text for the next FAQ posting about embroidery materials. Unfortunately it takes much longer to put this new posting together than I first expected and it is still far from being complete… *sigh* …and in already less then 2 hours my sweetheart and some good friends are kidnapping me to the SCA event “Tourney of the Foxes”. Ok, the new posting isn’t finished yet and I should start preparing myself for a weekend event. But, well, I didn’t want to leave to “Foxes” without at least another posting for you with which you can start into your well-earned weekend. đ
FAQ – research & medieval embroidery inspiration – some personal thoughts based on 14years of experience
Recently one of my blog members asked me a very simple but also very important question: Where shall she start her research? Well, though this question seems to be a very simple one, the answer is by far not simple. And I really think that this is actually one of the most simple but also most interesting questions I was ever asked about my work.
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