Today I proudly present to you the very first knighting scroll I ever made. The knighting scroll was made for Hrothgar’s knighting and was given to him at the Meridian Grand Tournament event last weekend. 😀
- Calligraphy, Kingdom of Meridies, Meridian Grand Tournament, SCA, SCA Events, Scriptorium, Scroll Peerage - Knighting
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose"
…another sneak peek at my Klosterstich embroidery .1
Today I have another sneak peek at my most recent Klosterstich embroidery for you. 😀 After all the Meridian Grand Tournament event photos, the video of Hrothgar’s knighting ceremony and before I post pictures of the Knighting scroll and my two pages for Hrothgar’s vigil book you really deserve some new pictures of my most recent embroidery progress… 😀
My photos – MGT – Meridian Grand Tournament
I think I can say that I was really very “productive” during the most recent SCA event Meridian Grand Tournament this last weekend. The battery packs of my dslr camera were fully charged, I was in a really great mood and enjoyed taking photos a lot. Yes, I think that over 1.300 photos – mostly taken at one day – can be called veryyyyy productive… 😉 The fact that my sweetheart was fighting for me in the tournament might have contributed to my great mood. However, it was a great fun for me to take pictures of my lord who was fighting for me and also to “capture” some of the very special moments…
The knighting at the Meridian Grand Tournament – my very first video :D
I enjoyed the recent weekend at the SCA event Meridian Grand Tournament tremendously but it feels great to be back home again. 😀 It took some time – several loads of laundry as well as many things which had to be put back to their “between-event-places” – but finally I feel like I am back home again. I brought many photos with me from the Meridian Grand Tournament. However, I decided to start my very first posting after this beautiful event with a small surprise and novelty for you – with something I haven’t done before. Yes, I just uploaded my very first short video on youtube! 🙂
And this weekend… heading to MGT – Meridian Grand Tournament :)
And this weekend I am heading to another awesome SCA event held inside the borders of the mighty and beautiful Kingdom of Meridies – to the “Meridian Grand Tournament”. 🙂 Everything is packed – the tent, the bed, my painted backgammon board, the scrolls I recently completed and even another new AoA scroll which I completed yesterday, as well as a lot of more or less useful stuff… *lol* I even packed some books I already wanted to read for a rather long time, which contain some valuable informations for my upcoming wedding clothing project. Well, just in case I find some time for it… 😉 However, I am very looking forward to a great…
My favorite recipes – Roast Chicken with Grapes
And today a short excursion into the kitchen with one of my favorite roast chicken recipes: “Roast Chicken with Grapes”. Yummy! 😀 My blog members expressed some wishes concerning postings and revisited posting from my “old” blog over the last months. This way I already got together a rather long “posting wish list” for the next months. 🙂 It is great fun to work at postings in which people are really interested and therefore I have tried to work up this list continuously. Already some days ago I started to work up another two open points on my “posting wish list” – a hands-on Klosterstich photo tutorial and a revisited posting about my very first…
Scriptorium – sneak peek at the knighting scroll for Meridian Grand Tournament
*Wooohooo* Right in time I finally completed my calligraphy commission – a knighting scroll for the SCA event “Meridian Grand Tournament”. 😀 Yes, I know, I mentioned this knighting scroll commission very often during the last days. But I was also thinking a lot about it – especially about the final scroll design for it…
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose"
Sneak peek at some new Klosterstich embroidery :)
After all the recent calligraphy projects, I have again a sneak peek at a new Klosterstich embroidery project for you. 🙂 I started working at this new project some days ago. It is still not finished yet but I thought you might enjoy to see some embroidery again. 🙂 I started this new Klosterstich embroidery project in order to put together a detailed Klosterstich hands-on photo tutorial. Therefore I took many close up photos of how I start and do the Klosterstich embroidery while I was working at this new Klosterstich embroidery project.
Scriptorium – new AoA blank scrolls for Meridies… :)
You maybe remember my recent posting with the sneak peek at my calligraphy work for the vigil book for a friend. And today I have even more calligraphy for you – I just finished three new AoA blank scrolls for the SCA kingdom of Meridies. 😀 While I was working at my calligraphy for the vigil book, I had so much fun that I decided to practice my Batarde/Bastarda hand a little more. Therefore I started working at an AoA blank scroll. Well, doing calligraphy again after such a long time felt so great that I finally created three new AoA blank scrolls. 🙂
Racaire’s move to the USA – my sewing and crafting room progress .1 :D
I promised my sister to post photos of my new sewing and crafting room already two days ago. And after cleaning the room, unpacking and moving in more of my books, I am finally able to fulfill my promise. Yeah, today I have some new pictures of my new sewing and crafting room for you. 😀 I am so excited! I might repeat myself but with every box I unpack and with every thing I move into my new home and especially into my new sewing and crafting room, it feels more and more like I am finally “arriving” in my new home. Even with all the smaller and bigger things which we still have to fix, it already…
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