Welcome to my revisited, updated and expanded posting about how I made my very own basic sewing pattern for my beloved medieval stockings. It took me several days to put this posting / tutorial together but when I took a second look at this posting I set higher goals for myself for the final posting. 😀 My first major goal was to make sure to cover every single step of the fitting process and to add as many useful descriptions and additional information as possible. My second major goal was to make sure that everyone who is following my detailed instructions in this posting is able to make his/her own basic pattern…
- 14th century fitted stockings, 14th century projects, Books, Books - Handsewing, Books - Textiles, Hand-Sewing, Projects
Needle made lace rings – my small flower garden is growing :D
As you can see on the picture underneath, I made even more needle made lace rings. 😀 Once I found out that I also can work at them in the car while my sweetheart is driving without feeling sick, I somehow can’t stop and create more and more of this cute small needle made lace flowers. They are so easy and also so fun to make – I really enjoy working at them and see them growing. 😀
Needle made lace rings – a new try after years – and what it has to do with the 13th century :D
I really wasn’t sure if I am still able to create needle made lace rings after so many years. But during the last days I gave it a try and am very happy to report that I can still make them. My fingers are a little bit “rust in” when it comes to needle made lace, but I am happy that the knowledge is still there. And it is a great fun to create this rings… 😀 I haven’t thought about needle made lace for a long time now. This changed completely when my sister Noel visited me recently and we started talking about possible future projects. She saw the needle made lace…
- 12th century Agincourt Heart for Bella, 12th century projects, Embroidery, Pearls, Projects, SCA, Surface Couching, Surface Couching 2:1
My 12th century embroidery for my sister Bella – an agincourt heart for her elevation garment
Two days ago I already posted a sneak peek at the 12th century embroidery progress for Bella’s elevation garment. And today I have a picture of the finished 12th century agincourt heart embroidery for you. 😀 I am very happy that my sister Bella will be introduced to the SCA Order of the Laurel soon. Though I can’t attend the event where this will take place, sending her an 12th century embroidery – an agincourt heart – makes me feel like at least a part of me will be with her at this very special day…
- 12th century Agincourt Heart for Bella, 12th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching, Surface Couching 2:1
Sneak peek at my 12th century agincourt heart embroidery progress for Bella
*omg* I can’t believe that I nearly missed it! But now I am busy working at my 12th century agincourt heart embroidery for my sister Bella. 🙂 I anyway needed a short embroidery break after yesterday, spending most of my day behind the computer working at my next posting… A one day deadline is not much but I am sure I can make a beautiful 12th century agincourt heart embroidery for my sister. 😀
My secret scroll commission for a friend – another Award of Arms scroll
Recently I not only completed a knighting scroll, vigil pages for a vigil book and some Award of Arms blank scrolls, I also worked at a small surprise for a good friend of mine. He already saw his new scroll, therefore I can give away the secret and show you my most recent Award of Arms scroll – enjoy! This new Award of Arms scroll will replace my friends old scroll which unfortunately burnt in a house fire. Gwen and Seth, the royal majesties at the time when he was awarded with the Award of Arms, were already so nice to sign it. Now we are just waiting for some royal seals from the current…
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose"
…another sneak peek at my Klosterstich embroidery .2
And another sneak peek at my most recent embroidery for you. 😀 During the last evenings I also found some time to work at my Klosterstich embroidery. I managed to fill all of the outer petal sections of my 14th century inspired rose pattern with Klosterstich embroidery. Now I just need to fill the background with even more embroidery. Anyway, I think it already looks very lovely and I just decided what I will use it for… 🙂
Racaire’s move to the USA – my sewing and crafting room progress .2 :D
Yesterday I took some time to set up my sewing and crafting space in my very first sewing and crafting room. It still lacks some decoration but I think it is a really good start. 😀
- 14th century Malterer tapestry, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Klosterstich, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum - Online Collections, Projects
FAQ – 14th century embroidery & medieval inspiration
During the past years I was often asked for the medieval inspiration for the Klosterstich embroidery which you can see at the picture above. And I have not only embroidered this lovely theme – I also already used it for a hand painted mug and a hand painted box… And, well, I might even use it again in the future because I love it so much… 🙂
- 12th century projects, Calligraphy, Inspiration for Scrolls - 12th century, Kingdom of Meridies, Projects, SCA, Scriptorium, Vigil book pages
Scriptorium – my vigil book calligraphy for Hrothgar’s vigil book
And again I have some lovely calligraphy for you. I proudly present to you a picture of the two pages with the calligraphy and pen work I made for Hrothgar’s vigil book. 😀 You maybe remember my recent posting “Scriptorium – sneak peek at yesterdays calligraphy for a vigil book…“. In this previous posting I was just able to show you some small sneak peek photos of the calligraphy for Hrothgar’s vigil book. And today I am able to proudly present to you the whole calligraphy. 😀
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