And here a look at my most recent nailbinding project which I just finished – a new nailbinded cap: I met the nice farmer from the Peacefield farm at the local Beech Bend Market about one week ago. He liked my nailbinded snood and cap so much that he asked me to make a nailbinded cap for him and gave me some of his lovely wool. And here we are – a new nailbinded cap is finished. This nailbinded cap will be delivered to him at the next Beech Bend Market this weekend. I hope that it will fit him well and that he likes it. 🙂
My very first fitted medieval stockings sewing pattern – my first women’s hose – from the basic pattern to the hand sewn tight fitted stocking
It is slowly getting cold and nasty outside, therefore let’s talk about my tight fitted woolen medieval stockings again, which keep me warm and cosy during cold winter days. 🙂 If you want to make your own tight fitted medieval stockings, you can find a very detail tutorial of how I constructed the basic pattern for my medieval stockings here: My very first fitted medieval stockings sewing pattern – my first women’s hose – revisited, updated & expanded posting My very first fitted medieval stockings sewing pattern – my first women’s hose – revisited, updated & expanded posting – short addendum If you followed my detailed instructions in the postings above, you should have…
Sneak peek at upcoming crafting projects – 14th century hood with daggings, nailbinded cap & 16th century belt pouch
I just got together some of the materials for my next crafting projects and thought you would enjoy a sneak peek at them: Yes, besides the 12th century clothing project for my dear sweetheart, for our 12th century wedding at the great Gulf Wars event next year in Mississippi, I am also having joy with planning some more or less “small” side projects.
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose"
…another sneak peek at my Klosterstich embroidery .4
And again I have a new sneak peek picture of the most recent progress of my medieval rose worked in the Klosterstich embroidery technique for you. 🙂 I just managed to fill the rest of the blue background section with Klosterstich embroidery. For the next step I need to decide which color I want to use for the surrounding “frame” section and then fill this last remaining big section with it.
Modern Nailbinding / Nadelbinden – a new project and old projects revisited :)
On my birthday I decided to have some fun and to do something I haven’t done for quite a long time. Therefore I took one of my nailbinding needles and had some fun with turning some wool into a new cap… 🙂 I always find it very relaxing when I am working at a nailbinding project. Some of you might not be familiar with this great technique by now but nailbinding is an ancient technique which is much older than crotchet or knitting. It is an interesting technique that is worth at least a try. Well, however, that this is an old technique doesn’t mean that we can’t give it a modern…
- Books, Books - Embroidery, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, How to start a new thread, Klosterstich, Klosterstich tutorial, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Hands On Tutorials
Klosterstich hands on tutorial – part 1 – how to start your Klosterstich embroidery :)
Before we get to the next steps of how to sew a perfect fitting medieval 14th century stocking based on my most recent stocking pattern tutorial, I have the very first part of my Klosterstich hands on tutorial about “how to start Klosterstich embroidery” for you. Already some time ago I promised to put together this Klosterstich hands on tutorial as an addition to my Klosterstich technique handout. It is a summery of my experience based on several Klosterstich classes which I hold throughout the last years.
My very first fitted medieval stockings sewing pattern – my first women’s hose – revisited, updated & expanded posting – short addendum
I was very surprised about the great response concerning my rather long and detailed posting of how I created “my very first fitted medieval stockings sewing pattern“. But on the other side I was also very glad that you enjoyed my medieval stockings tutorial because it me took many hours to put it together. 🙂 Yes, I worked several days at the medieval stockings tutorial. And every time I thought that I was finished and started proofreading it, I remembered even more details and extra information I wanted to add and share with you. *lol*
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose"
…another sneak peek at my Klosterstich embroidery .3
And during the last days I have not only created some wire jewelry, I was also working at my new Klosterstich embroidery, which I recently started. After all the pictures of wire, beads and several “trees of life“, I thought you might enjoy to see some embroidery pictures again. Therefore I have a new sneak peek picture of the most recent progress of my medieval rose worked in the Klosterstich embroidery technique for you. 🙂 And because I know that some of you find it helpful to see a close up photo of the surface of my embroidery as well as a photo of its backside, I also took several detail photos for you…
…and more “trees of life” and some wire jewelry… :)
I have some additions on my mind for the 14th century inspired fitted medieval stockings tutorial which I posted yesterday but first I would like to catch up some of the small projects I was working on recently. My sister Noel did an awesome job concerning raising my interest for wire jewelry and “trees of life”. And once I made my very first two “trees of life“, I just couldn’t stop anymore… As you can see on the picture above, I made two little “christmas trees of life” next. 😉 I just wanted to know if I am also capable of making something else besides normal “trees of life” and hearts…. and well, christmas…
My very first “tree of life” and a “tree of love”… ;)
Learning new things is really a lot of fun, especially when you are in good company! And last weekend I not only had the pleasure of my sister Noel visiting me, we also had a great time while she was showing me how to make a “tree of life”. Taking a look at my very first “tree of life”, you can see that she was very successful in teaching me how to make them. 😀 At the picture above you can see Noel’s tree of life on the left and my very first own tree of life on the right. I really love how my finished tree looks like – I am…
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