Gosh! You won’t imagine how busy I was during the last days. Besides the usual house chores I also got to prime and paint my kitchen walls white, secured the tomato plants in my garden in order to resist the next severe thunder storm here in Kentucky as well as some further garden work, baked some bread and even found several hours per day to work at my new 14th century inspired surface couching project. 😀
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .2
And finally, after mounting my embroidery frame and putting the pattern PDF together for you, I found some time to work at my new embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching. I haven’t done fine surface couching like this for quite some time but it seems like I didn’t pause at all – the stitches come so easily to me. Well, yes, this technique is in truth a very simple one…
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Books, Books - Embroidery, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Framework, Projects
14th century inspired pattern for Surface Couching .1
Did you like the final drawing of the “14th century inspired pattern for surface couching” which I showed you yesterday? If the answer is yes, then I have a very good message for you. I took the time and turned the final drawing of the “14th century inspired pattern for my next surface couching embroidery project“ into a new pattern PDF for you! …and I also already uploaded it to my page! 😀
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .1
After my last posting about my recent keyhole neckline progress for my 12th century wedding dress, I sat down and worked at the final drawing of the “14th century inspired pattern for my next surface couching embroidery project“. It took some hours but I just managed to put the 14th century inspired pattern down on paper. And what shall I say, I looks really great and was definitely worth the effort. 🙂
- 12th century dress - blue & yellow silk, 12th century projects, 12th century wedding clothing project, Hand-Sewing, Keyhole neckline step-by-step tutorial, Projects
12th century dress for the “12th century wedding clothing project” – sneak peek .7 – working at the keyhole neckline
After finishing the lid for my reliquary box, I decided to complete at least one more work step of my 12th century wedding dress keyhole neckline. And I was successful – the sewing part of my keyhole neckline is finished by now and won’t bother me anymore. I just need to add some further embellishments as well as a special finishing step to reinforce the bottom point of the neckline slit… *sigh* …so many projects and just so little time – I guess that sounds familiar to many of you, doesn’t it… 🙂
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Pearls, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose", Surface Couching
14th century inspired Klosterstich rose embroidery – now a lid for a reliquary box!
It took a little but I finally managed to turn my 14th century inspired Klosterstich rose embroidery into a cute lid for a reliquary box. 🙂 Well, not that the rest of the box is finished yet but I consider a lid a very good beginning. At the moment I am anyway not quite sure if I want to create an embroidery for the sides of the box too. A plain silk cover for the side part seems like a very appealing idea at the moment. But… Well, you know me…
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Adornments, Bead Embroidery, Embroidery, Finishing technique for borders, Hand-Sewing, Medieval Embroidery, Pearls, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose", Surface Couching
14th century inspired Klosterstich rose – turning a medieval inspired embroidery into a lid for a reliquary box .3 – working at the border embellishment
And today I will show you how I added the border embellishment to the lid of my reliquary box with the 14th century inspired Klosterstich embroidery. 🙂 So far we had several postings showing the progress of the 14th century inspired Klosterstich rose embroidery, one posting about how I mounted the Klosterstich embroidery on the base for the reliquary lid and also one posting of how I added the silk to the backside of the lid…
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching :D
I should actually be preparing for our weekend at the Glasgow Highland Games but I really cant wait to show you the very first sneak peek at my next project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching on red silk! Yes, I know, I am a little bit neglecting the 12th century patterns at the moment but I can’t help it. The moment I saw the picture of the awesome 14th century pattern on which I based my pattern inspiration for this project, I just had the feeling that I had to embroider it… And once I get this feeling, I really have to start a new project!…
14th century inspired Klosterstich rose – turning a medieval inspired embroidery into a lid for a reliquary box .2
In my last posting “14th century inspired Klosterstich rose – turning a medieval inspired embroidery into a lid for a reliquary box .1” I showed you how I mounted my Klosterstich embroidery on the top side of the lid for my most recent reliquary box project. But mounting the embroidery on top of the lid is just half of the work. A proper looking top also always needs a nice backside. Therefore I am going to take it one step further today and show you how I applied the silk fabric to the backside of the lid. 🙂
- 14th century projects, 14th century reliquary boxes, Adornments, Embroidery, Finishing technique for borders, Klosterstich, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Pearls, Projects, Reliquary box - "Rose"
14th century inspired Klosterstich rose – turning a medieval inspired embroidery into a lid for a reliquary box .1
I already prepared my rolling frame for a new medieval inspired embroidery project. But before I tell you more about my new project, I would like to show you the small side project at which I was working during the last days… 🙂 You might remember the 14th century inspired Klosterstich rose embroidery which I recently finished. I started this small project in order to take pictures for my “Klosterstich hands on tutorial” which you can find here: – “…Part 1 – how to start your Klosterstich embroidery“ – “…Part 2 – how I do my Klosterstich embroidery”
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