Today a great surprise arrived me via mail – my PCS scroll from Drachenwald is here! And though a good part of the envelope didn’t survive the long way from Europe to its final destination here in Kentucky/USA, the scroll was fortunately packed very well. Therefore I am very happy to say that my beautiful PCS scroll reached me unharmed and unbend. At this point I would like to express my sincere gratitude to King Makarius and his lovely Queen Izabella – Their Royal Majesties of the Kingdom of Drachenwald – for bestowing this “Popular Company of Sojourners” award upon me. This beautiful farewell means a lot to me and I will do my best to do justice…
- Kingdom of Drachenwald, Misc., my Popular Company of Sojourners, my SCA - Awards, Racaire, SCA, Scriptorium
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .7
In my last posting I already showed you a sneak peek at my technical drawing for my next surface couching tutorial. But this was not the only project I was working on during the last days. All of my so-called “free time” was actually filled with drawing as well as a lot of hand-sewing and surface couching embroidery.
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Technique Tutorials, Projects, Surface Couching
Medieval embroidery techniques – sneak peek at my new technical tutorial for Surface Couching :)
I have great news for all of you who enjoy my technical tutorials of medieval embroidery techniques! It took several days to work out the very detailed technical drawing for my new medieval technique tutorial about Surface Couching but I finally managed to finish it. 😀 Though the Surface Couching technique tutorial isn’t finished by now, I just couldn’t resist to show you a glimpse at the technical drawing I worked out for you.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood sample, Embroidery, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
My 14th century XL hood sample – playing with my new gold threads :)
Just as I finished sewing my 14th century XL hood sample I received a wonderful gift from my mommy Sandra in the mail: awesome silver and gold threads! Well, you can imagine what that means – play time and a lot fun for me! There was absolutely no doubt that I had to try out this lovely threads immediately so I could report back about the threads to my mom.
My 14th century XL hood sample – the finished hood sample & some information about my hood pattern…
Do you remember the 14th century XL hood pattern about which I told you recently? Well, then I have some great news for you! I managed to finish the hand-sewing part of my 14th century XL hood before “A Midsummer Day’s Brawl” – an SCA event in Tennessee last weekend and I took my finished XL sample hood with me to the event for a fitting. Though my friend – for whom I drafted this pattern – and I were quite busy at the event, we managed to find some time where he was able to try on the 14th century XL sample hood and guess what! …it fits fine! *happydance*
- 14th century hood, 14th century projects, Blackwork, Chain Stitch, Embroidery, How to use embroidery models / Schablonen, Projects
My pink 14th century hood with long liripipe & decorative chain stitch embroidery – revisited
And now, that I already started my new 14th century hood project for a friend – about which I told you yesterday – I would like to take the chance and tell you a little bit more about my other 14th century hood projects. As some of you might remember, I already revisited my 14th century hood with daggings, long liripipe and decorative chain stitch embroidery project last year. This 14th century hood was my favorite hood until I decided to give it away to a very nice friend whom I met at an SCA event in England – at Rhaglan.
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .6
*Gosh* I think I started too many embroidery projects! But unfortunately there is just not enough time to work at them all! At least not at the same time… 😉 Yes, I really wish I could duplicate myself or at least grow an extra set or arms but I doubt that this will happen anytime soon… But well, who doesn’t know this problem… *lol* Ok, enough self pity for now. I anyway don’t have the time to complain about too many embroidery projects and well, if I complained, who would actually believe me? *lol* You all know that I love embroidery far too much to not enjoy my dilemma. But – *sigh* – there are so many of them…
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Framework, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .5
…and finally, after adding another endless amount of small stitches, I am very happy to announce that I just finished the main framework embroidery of my 14th century inspired pattern. *happydance* Well, I guess it’s kinda obvious and I admit it – working at the details is so much more fun than working at the basic pattern. But a good medieval embroidery needs a good basic framework… 🙂
A new cute and fluffy little helper in my life – my cat Alice <3
Well, I already posted some photos of my cat Alice – the most recent addition to our family – on facebook. But now I’d like to make it a little bit more official by posting it on my blog: Wooooohooooo! My husband surprised me with a cute kitten! *omg* Alice is so adorable, isn’t she… *sigh* I just can’t get enough of snuggling her… 😀
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Framework, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching, Thoughts about working with medieval patterns...
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .4 & some thoughts about medieval patterns
I had a quite busy weekend – hanging out with friends, first time at the drive-in cinema in Franklin (KY), visiting family and even drafting an XXL hood pattern for a friend as well as already cutting the fabric for a sample hood to test the new pattern… But I still managed to make some very good progress concerning my “14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching” project. 😀
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