It is amazing how much embroidery progress can be achieved when you really want it and set your mind on it. As my husband can confirm, I really devoted myself to this project during the last days. With approximately 5 to 7 working hours per day, I managed to accomplish great progress in the rather short amount of time since I started the surface couching work for the appliqué border embellishment for the 14th century XL hood project.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Silver Thread, Surface Couching
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Silver Thread, Surface Couching
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – working at the embroidery .2 – surface couching work started
Yesterday, after completing the recent appliqué work for the 14th century XL hood project for my friends Pelican elevation, I was able to finally move on to the surface couching embroidery for the appliqué border. And with the surface couching embroidery the fun part of this hood project just started for me. Yes, you can tell – surface couching for the win!
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – working at the embroidery .1 – first appliqué work finished
Just some days ago I showed you a picture of my current 14th century XL hood project and the finished appliqué work on the right side of the hood. But my hands were not idle over the weekend. Over the last days I continued my busy work at the 14th century XL hood project. And as I put the past days to very good use, I am very glad to say that all the hard work finally paid off! Yes, I achieved even more good progress and was even able to finish the appliqué work on the left side too.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – working at the embroidery – appliqué work part .2
Unfortunately a nasty head cold is slowing me down at the moment. But regardless how bad the head cold is making me feel, it couldn’t prevent me from accomplishing some good new progress concerning the appliqué work for the 14th century XL hood for my friends Pelican elevation. 😀 It took again several hours and a countless amount of small stitches but I just managed to apply the last patch to the right side of the hood. Now I can finally focus on the appliqué work for the second side – the left side.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – working at the embroidery – appliqué work part .1
It seems like time flies at the moment. The due date for the white 14th century XL hood project for a friend of mine moves closer and closer. But there is no cause for worry yet. I did put the last days to very good use and was therefore able to achieve a lot of progress. 🙂 After completing the work at the main pattern framework of my 14th century pattern project worked in Surface Couching, I immediately continued with the work at the white 14th century XL hood for my friends Pelican elevation.
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Framework, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .10 – main pattern framework finished
And finally, after all the recent postings about my progress, I am glad to say that I just managed to finish the main framework pattern of my 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching! 😀 But I wasn’t embroidering all the time – actually, after all the countless hours which I spent working at my current projects last week, I took a brake from my embroidery projects this weekend.
- "Helping Lines" for embroidery, 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .9
Yesterday, after a weekend filled with fishing and hanging out with some of our good friends, I finally got back to work at two of my embroidery projects again. First I managed to flatten the seams and also the rest of the fabric of the 14th century XL hood. And I also ironed the lovely purple wool fabric which I got for the appliqué embroidery.
- Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Technique Tutorials, Surface Couching
Medieval embroidery techniques – my new Surface Couching technique handout
Do you remember the sneak peek at my new technical tutorial for Surface Couching? Well, then I have some great news for you – the waiting time has paid off and my new Surface Couching technique handout is finally finished! 😀 It took a while to find some good pictures of extant examples of the basic Surface Couching embroidery technique which I cover in this handout. And it took even more time to put the whole handout together but it was totally worth it! I am mighty proud of my new handout. And as there are several different variations of Surface Couching, you maybe might even look forward to more handouts about this technique in the future.…
- 14th century inspired pattern - surface couching on red silk, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Embroidery Accessories, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
Sneak peek at my next embroidery project – a 14th century inspired pattern worked in surface couching .8
Finally it seems like working at this 14th century inspired Surface Couching embroidery project became a nice treat for me. 😀 Whenever I am too tired and just want to work at something “simple” or when I want to consider the next step for the 14th century XL hood project for my friends Pelican elevation, I pick up my embroidery frame and do some more stitches…
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Books, Books - Textiles, Hand-Sewing, Projects
My new project – a white 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – the hand-sewing is finally finished! :D
After all the successful previous preparation for this project (like drafting an XL pattern and creating a 14th century XL hood sample), I finally started working at the actual project some days ago: A white 14th century XL hood for my friends Pelican elevation. 🙂 But first a short explanation for all readers who are not familiar with the SCA: Whenever a member of the SCA shows great passion in “service” to the society, excels in the “arts & sciences” (like woodwork, embroidery, teaching about his/her craft,…) or shows great skill in fighting (“Heavy Fighting”, fencing,…) and some people who observe this commitment report it to The Royal Majesties of their kingdom (normally…
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