With this posting, after all the previous postings about the 14th century XL hood project for my friends Pelican elevation, I am finally reaching the last and major part of the embroidery for this hood project: …the pelican patches! In my last posting I already showed you the finished knight belt patches for the 14th century hood for my friends Pelican elevation. And as nice as the knight belt patches already looked like at this stage of the project, they all still looked quite empty, didn’t they – but no for long, that’s for sure… 😀
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Gold Thread, Medieval Embroidery, Padded Satin Stitch, Pelicans, Projects, Satin Stitch, Stem Stitch, Surface Couching
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Knight belts, Materials, Padded Satin Stitch, Projects, Satin Stitch, Wool-Silk Thread
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .3 – how I created the embroidered knight belt patches .3 – embroidered belt buckles!
And finally, after part #1 & part #2 of “how I created the embroidered knight belt patches”, I am getting to the 3rd and last part of the knight belt patches creation process. Yes, today I am going to show you how I created the embroidered belt buckles with a certain special effect. An effect which makes the belt buckles look a little bit more like real ones. 😀
SCA Heavy Fighting – starting a more serious approach to get me back in armor & fighting again…
Well, for all of those of you who wonder about this posting – yes, I also engage in SCA heavy fighting. Or, well, to be more exact: I occasionally did some SCA heavy fighting in the past and after a quite long break I would like to start with it again. 🙂 I actually started with SCA heavy fighting already several years ago in Vienna. One beautiful sunny afternoon, after enjoying several hours of inline skating along the Danube bank, I decided that it would be nice to stop by at the regional fighter practice on my way home. As the fighting members and the people interested into Arts & Science mostly went different ways in their…
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Knight belts, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .3 – how I created the embroidered knight belt patches .2
Yesterday I showed you my first work steps concerning the embroidered knight belt patches for the 14th century hood for my friends Pelican elevation at the Meridian Grand Tournament. And today I was quite busy again and therefore already have the second posting ready for you, which is showing the next steps of the creation process for the embroidered knight belt patches.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Craft with Racaire, Embroidery, Finishing technique for borders, Knight belts, Medieval Embroidery, Medieval Embroidery Hands On Tutorials, Medieval Embroidery Technique Tutorials, Medieval finishing technique for borders, Projects, Surface Couching
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .3 – how I created the embroidered knight belt patches .1
I hope you enjoyed yesterdays short calligraphy sidestep as I am now moving on to the next step of the embroidery for the 14th century XL hood project for my friends Pelican elevation at the Meridian Grand Tournament: How I created the embroidered knight belt patches Though the embroidered knight belts might look rather simple, as you can see them at the picture on the left, they still demanded a lot of thought, time and stitches. But well, you know, I like challenges and this combined Order of the Chivalry and Pelican patches were definitely a very interesting personal challenge for me as I normally rarely do appliqué embroidery.
- Calligraphy, Kingdom of Meridies, SCA, Scriptorium, Scroll - Order of the Argent Comet, Scroll - Order of the Argent Shield, Scroll - Order of the Guiding Hand, Scroll - Order of the Legio Ursi, Scroll - Order of the Meridian Cross, Scroll Award of Arms
Scriptorium – new scrolls for the Kingdom of Meridies… :)
After all the embroidery for the 14th century hood for my friends Pelican elevation, I had the feeling like I needed a short break from needle and thread. Therefore I decided to practice my Batarde hand again and to make some new scrolls for my new Kingdom – the Kingdom of Meridies. In order to “warm up” my hand again after such a long time, I made several quite basic scrolls. Taking a look at my very last scroll, I think that the recent practice was quite successful and I am even more excited about the fact that this “Order of the Legio Ursi” scroll – which you can see on the picture…
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Appliqué border embellishment, Back Stitch, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Silver Thread, Surface Couching, Surface Couching 2:1
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .2 – appliqué border embellishment – a proper finish for my surface couching embroidery
Now, that I finally caught up with most of my housework and am able to enjoy a rather clean home again, I am back at my computer again and ready to also catch up with the most recent progress of the 14th century XL hood project for my friends Pelican elevation. Therefore I checked my last posting about the embroidery for the hood as well as the pictures on my tablet and found some photos concerning the surface couching embroidery for the appliqué border embellishment I haven’t posted yet.
- Boar Hunt, Kingdom of Meridies, KY - Bowling Green, Meridian Grand Tournament, Misc., Photos, SCA, SCA Events
I am back! …and catching-up with photos from MGT / Meridian Grand Tournament & more…
Yes, I am finally back! Not only from the most recent SCA event – the Meridian Grand Tournament / MGT – but also back to normal life. Ok, I admit it, more or less normal due to mundane standards but at least what I would call normal… 😉 The last weeks and especially the last days before the Meridian Grand Tournament were really intense for me. I was absolutely determined to finish my 14th century hood project with the symbols for the honorable Orders of the Chivalry and the Pelican for my dear friends Pelican elevation and therefore spent nearly every waking hour embroidering.
- 14th century projects, 16th century projects, Books, Books - Embroidery, Catalogues, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Medieval Art, Medieval Embroidery, Museum, Museum - Online Collections, Museums - Germany, Pelicans, Projects
Medieval Pelican inspiration for embroidery .1
During the last days I was searching for a new medieval pelican inspiration for my current embroidery project. Well, what shall I say – finding a new inspiration is often difficult enough but if you are looking for something special, it can appear to be even more challenging. Fully aware of this fact, I gathered my favorite books about embroidery around me, sat down and went through my books in order to find a new medieval pelican inspiration for my current 14th century hood project for my friends pelican elevation.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Silver Thread, Surface Couching
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – working at the embroidery .2 – appliqué border embellishment with surface couching finished
I know, I didn’t post anything during the last week but I hope you will excuse it as I was working like crazy at the 14th century hood project for my friends Pelican elevation and also accompanied my dear husband to an event – “Boar Hunt” – in Tennessee. 🙂 And I am very glad to say that all the hard work totally payed off again! I managed to finish the last stitches of the surface couching work along the borders of the appliqué embroidery.
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