I recently managed to finish nearly all of the hand-sewing for my 12th century wedding dress. And after looking at some pictures showing period 12th century clothing, the thought in me arose that it would be really lovely to also have a nice 12th century belt for my 12th century dress ensemble. I have never made a fabric belt for my 12th century wardrobe before but well, I think there is a first time for everything – it would be boring otherwise, wouldn’t it… 😉
- 13th century male tunic, 13th century projects, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Gold Thread, Kingdom of Meridies, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, SCA, Surface Couching, Surface Couching Variation
My husbands 13th century under tunic – more about the “shell” embroidery .1
And today we are taking a look at the very last pictures of the embroidery for my husbands 13th century under tunic project. I will show you how I created the shell embroidery for my husbands “Order of Compostella”/”Pilgrims Order Award. After I promised my husband to incorporate all of his SCA awards in the embellishment along the cuffs of his tunic, I waited with the shells until after I finished all the other awards first. Well, at first I wasn’t quite sure how I should realize the pattern with the quite thick “gold thread” which I used for the rest of the embellishment but then I had a striking idea…
- 13th century male tunic, 13th century projects, Embroidery, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Surface Couching, Surface Couching Variation
My husbands 13th century under tunic – more about the embroidery
And today I have some more pictures of my embroidery for my husbands 13th century under tunic project. During the last days I was quite busy entertaining a rather bad head cold but today it finally started to clear up again and I am already feeling much better. I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to be able to think more clearly again and not to sneeze and cough all the time. 🙂 Because of my cold I was not able to take the promised pictures of me wearing my new “Meridian cross cyclas” or some nice close ups of the embroidery but I will try to take this pictures as…
- 14th century Meridian Cross Cyclas / sideless surcote, 14th century projects, Applique, Chain Stitch, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, How to prepare patches for appliqué, How to use embroidery models / Schablonen, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
My new “Meridian Cross Cyclas” – a Manesse inspired 14th century cyclas / sideless surcote .1 – the appliqué embroidery
Yeah, it’s true and no typo – I made a 14th century cylas / sideless surcote for me! Or how I call the newest addition to my wardrobe: my 14th century “Meridian Cross Cyclas”! 😀 How come? Well, while I was living in the kingdom of Drachenwald – the SCA group covering Europe, the middle East and South Africa – I wasn’t able to make it to many SCA events. Not that I didn’t want to but quite many of the events were out of my budget due to the required travel to the location in a rather far away country like Sweden, Finland, UK,… Therefore my normal event count per year was about 1 to maximal…
- "Turks Head" embellishment, 12th century projects, 12th century white silk underdress, Decorated Silk Buttons, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Medieval Embroidery, Needle Made Lace, Projects
My 12th century white silk underdress .3 – revisited – more about my decorated silk buttons
And after the last two postings about my 12th century white silk underdress, there is actually just one last major work step of this project left which I haven’t shown you yet. Yes, you are right, it is time to take a closer look at how I created the decorated silk buttons for the Trapunto style keyhole neckline of my 12th century white silk underdress. 🙂
- 12th century projects, 12th century white silk underdress, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Running Stitch, Trapunto
My 12th century white silk underdress .2 – revisited – Trapunto for the win :)
And now it’s definitely time for the second part of my posting about my “12th century white silk underdress project” revisited. Today I am going to show you more progress pictures of my “12th century white silk underdress” with a focus on some of my details for this project like the keyhole neckline, the Trapunto work at the keyhole neckline and my Trapunto sleeve cuffs.
My 12th century white silk underdress .1 – revisited :)
Today I am going to revisit an “old” project of mine – my beloved 12th century white silk underdress. And yes, before you ask, it is the underdress with the Trapunto neckline, the hand made, decorated silk buttons,… 😀 How come? Well, while I was working at the 14th century hood project for my friends Pelican elevation, I was asked if I could revisit my 12th century white silk underdress. And as I always love to talk about embroidery in general and in particular about my projects, I immediately and happily agreed to revisit this project. But first there was another task I had to take care of – I had to finish posting about…
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Embroidery, Embroidery Patterns, Hand-Sewing, Kingdom of Meridies, Knight belts, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Pelicans, Projects, Satin Stitch, SCA, Silver Thread, Stem Stitch, Surface Couching
White 14th century hood for a friends Pelican elevation – finished! :D
And after all my recent postings about the progress of my friends 14th century hood with pelican & knighthood embroidery, I can finally present to you the finished 14th century hood! The picture at the left was taken shortly after my friend – Sir Thomas Blackmoore (sorry but I don’t remember all the other proper SCA titles he has) – was elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Basics, Embroidery, How to prepare patches for appliqué, Knight belts, Medieval Embroidery, Pelicans
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .4 – how I created the embroidered Pelican patches .2
In my last posting – “White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .4 – how I created the embroidered Pelican patches .1” – I showed you how I created the two different kinds of golden beaks for the embroidered pelicans. After this step and and after finishing the rest of the embroidery for the pelicans, I decided to add even more embroidery. Instead of removing the base fabric in-between the knighthood belt and the pelican embroidery, which didn’t have any appliqué or other kind of embroidery, I made the decision to fill this empty space with lovely purple silk/wool thread.
- 14th century projects, 14th century XL hood for Pelican elevation, Applique, Embroidery, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Satin Stitch, Stem Stitch, Surface Couching
White 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – embroidery .4 – how I created the embroidered Pelican patches .1
In my last posting about the “white 14th century XL hood for a friends Pelican elevation – how I created the embroidered Pelican patches” I wrote about the different steps of how I prepared the basic pelican appliqué. Furthermore I also showed you several progress pictures of my embroidery work concerning this first steps. And today we take a close look at the very next step – of how I embroidered the two different kinds of golden beaks for the pelicans.
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