Today I have good news for the fans of my Klosterstich wall hanging – I finally found the time to prepare my Klosterstich wall hanging project documentation and to upload it to the blog! 🙂 Well, it is said that when one door closes, another one opens. And though I am still not able to prepare photos on my beloved Acer Iconia tablet due to a broken charger and the waiting time until my new one arrives, I still have plenty to post about for which I don’t need my tablet. I simply needed to reconsider what I can post about without using my tablet.
- 14th century Malterer tapestry, 14th century projects, Embroidery, Klosterstich, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, SCA
- 12th century grey light-wool tunic, 12th century projects, Adornments, Chain Stitch, Embroidery, How to imitate a woven band, Projects
My husbands christmas gift – a grey light-wool 12th century tunic – how to imitate a woven band for bottom embellishment… :)
Yes, you read it right, todays posting is about “how to imitate a woven band for bottom embellishment” (of a tunic). 🙂 I guess that many of you never expected that I would say this one time, but sometimes special projects will come along for which a very simple embroidered embellishment can actually be the best choice. Especially when you decide to decorate a garment without taking the focus off of the main “star” – which in this case happens to be the tablet woven band I used for the neckline and the cuffs. But before we take a closer look at my take on “how to imitate a woven band” with embroidery, I would like…
Snow & electronic devices… *sigh*
Well, I am normally not a big fan of new years resolutions but I decided to post more often and also more about my mundane life in the future. And instead of going for short wall posts on my facebook page I thought it might actually be helpful to express my thoughts here in a far more complex way… I hope it might make it easier for me to write and post in English as I am still not completely comfortable with it, though my husband ensures me that my English is getting better and has actually already improved a lot. 🙂 After the last weeks of extraordinary warm and pleasing temperatures, the…
- Cooking, Gulf Wars, Kingdom of Meridies, Misc., Projects, Racaire, Recipes - Austria, SCA, SCA Events, Scriptorium
…a short update – preparing for Gulf Wars and a lot of sewing… :)
Well, like always I am very busy working at projects but I thought it would be good to post a short update here instead of just leaving a brief comment on my facebook page. I am sewing like crazy at the moment, as one of my favorite SCA events – Gulf Wars – is coming up soon, to make sure that I have enough to wear for the whole event. And I am very glad to say that I am one step closer to this goal as I already managed to finish one simple new white underdress with trapunto cuffs and neckline. Not only that, I took several pictures of how I…
My husbands christmas gift – a grey light-wool 12th century tunic – a rolled hem for the bottom… :)
After adding the tablet woven band to the cuffs of my husbands new grey light-wool 12th century tunic, I took on the bottom hem of the tunic and finished it by using the rather simple “rolled hem” technique. Ok, I admit it – just using the rolled hem technique for the bottom hem seemed a little bit too simple and easy. Therefore I added a little bit of a twist to my rolled hem – literally… *lol*
- 12th century grey light-wool tunic, 12th century projects, Hand-Sewing, Projects, Projects - Tablet weaving, Tablet woven bands
My husbands christmas gift – a grey light-wool 12th century tunic – tablet woven band & cuffs
Cuffs, Cuffs, Cuffs and tablet woven band… 😀 Let’s talk about the cuffs for my husbands christmas present today – a 12th century tunic made from lovely grey light weight wool. Though I didn’t embroider the cuffs for my sweethearts 12th century tunic, they are still quite special for me as I decorated them with some tablet woven band I made myself – or well, I made about half of it to be precise… *lol* And it is actually the second tablet woven band I ever made. You might even remember the band – I posted about it in May of 2014: “My new tablet weaving loom & my 2nd try of…
Happy New Year! :D
I hope you all enjoyed a beautiful christmas with family and friends and wish you a happy new year!
- 14th century Meridian Cross Cyclas / sideless surcote, 14th century projects, Applique, Embroidery, Hand-Sewing, Medieval Embroidery, Projects
My new “Meridian Cross Cyclas” – a Manesse inspired 14th century cyclas / sideless surcote .2
And today I have some pictures of my new 14th century cyclas / sideless surcote with the completed “Meridian Cross” appliqué work for you. 🙂 I still didn’t find the time to put on my new 14th century cyclas / sideless surcote and to take pictures of me wearing it but I can assure you that I didn’t forget about it and that it is still on my to-do-list.
My husbands christmas gift – a grey light-wool 12th century tunic – sleeves .1
And today I finally have some news for you about my most recent project – a grey light-wool 12th century tunic which I just finished some days ago. This new 12th century tunic is a christmas gift for my husband. As he already had to try on the tunic for the neck-fitting and also has seen the completed tunic, there is not much surprise left which could be spoiled anymore.
- Kingdom of Meridies, SCA, Scriptorium, Scroll - Order of the Guiding Hand, Scroll - Order of the Legio Ursi
Scriptorium – new scrolls for the Kingdom of Meridies :)
If you already wondered why I was so silent recently, well, during the last weeks I was very busy hand-sewing and embroidering the christmas present for my sweetheart. And finally, after a lot of work, I made the last stitches for this very special project today. *happydance* But before I go through the pictures of my most recent project and post about it, I would like to show you the new scrolls I recently finished for my new SCA kingdom – the Kingdom of Meridies. 🙂
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