Some embroidery projects take more time than others until they finally get finished and my 12th century inspired “Saint Michael and the Dragon” embroidery was such an embroidery project. I already finished the 12th century inspired “Saint Michael and the Dragon” embroidery in the summer of 2014. Though I really liked the finished embroidery, it laid dormant in one of my project boxes ever since…
- 12th century projects, 12th century Saint Michael and the Dragon, Applique, Appliqué border embellishment, Books, Embroidery, Gold Thread, Materials, Medieval Embroidery, Projects, Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst
A new laptop – migrating, re-sorting and cleaning up my files and photos…
After my beloved MacBook died last week and I just got my new laptop, I promised myself to go through, re-sort and clean up all of my files when I migrate them to my new computer… Well, let me put it this way – I am kinda regretting this idea but on the other side I have to admit to myself that this work is really necessary to be able to actually find something in my files – or at least to find it easier and faster…
Scriptorium – a sable sword for my husband and other new scrolls for the Kingdom of Meridies :)
Finally, after sooooo many days, my new computer arrived today and I am able again to work at new postings for my blog. And to celebrate this new beginning as well as my new laptop, I would like to start my very first posting and show you something I am really very proud of – the “Sable Sword” scroll I made for my husband: It took several days to work out the outlines, add all the paint and small details. I really think that I never worked as hard and long on a scroll as on this “Sable Sword” scroll for my husband. But when I think back to the day…
- Books, Books - Tablet Weaving, Projects - Tablet weaving, Special Techniques, Tablet weaving try #4, Tablet woven bands, Tabular Selvage
My 4th tablet woven band & a great book about tablet weaving… :)
And here a sneak peek at my 4th tablet woven band. Ok, I admit it, this tablet woven band is not the best looking one I have created till now but I think that it still looks good enough to use it as an embellishment for one of my future hand-sewing projects. Looking back at my very last tablet woven band for which I used some good quality silk threads, I guess that the not so appealing look of my new tablet woven band has more to do with the thread I used for the weaving (some Polyester “wool” thread) rather than my actual skill.
- 14th century fitted stockings - blue & embroidered, 14th century projects, Accessories, Projects, Projects - Tablet weaving, Silk Garters, Tablet weaving try #3, Tablet woven bands
My third tablet woven band – my very first garters!
After all the recent sneak peek pictures of my tabletweaving and how I turned my tabletwoven band into my very first garters, I finally managed to take some pictures of me wearing my very first selfmade silk garters! Well, my garters might appear quite simple, if you neglect the rather petite pattern of the silk band, but they really don’t need to be very fancy to do their job – to hold up my hand-sewn stockings! And I really love them! Especially as they now allow me to also wear my blue hand-sewn and embroidered stockings. 😀
Update of my “Medieval embroidery techniques” page
Just a short note to let you know that I just updated my page Medieval embroidery techniques in order to include some more techniques and to add some further postings and links which might be helpful on your journey into the fabulous world of medieval embroidery… 😀 I hope that you’ll find my personal collection of links and postings about medieval embroidery helpful and inspiring. I wish you a lot of fun with your medieval inspired embroidery projects!
My third tablet woven band – making my very first garters…
I recently finished my third tablet woven band and as I had no definite plan for its use yet, I decided to make something that is still missing from my wardrobe – garters for my beloved stockings! Woohoo! 😀 Well, yes, many people consider garters a quite essential accessory for a medieval wardrobe but my favorite red stockings are so very tightly fitted that they normally stay up by themselves and without any problems. Therefore I never really saw the immediate necessity to make some garters for myself. Though I have to admit that I was – from time to time – thinking that it would be nice to own a pair of garters myself as they look really spiffy.
- Books, Books - Tablet Weaving, Projects - Tablet weaving, Tablet weaving loom, Tablet weaving try #3, Tablet woven bands
Working at my third tablet woven band…
I was never really keen on tablet weaving but recently I had the feeling like I had to start another tablet woven band. And, well, therefore I started my third tablet woven band ever… 🙂 It is really odd – sometimes I feel a sudden urge to create something special even if it means that I have to pick up a craft I normally don’t do or to learn something new. This feeling can be so overwhelming that I have no other possibility than to follow my gut feeling and to start creating…
A patch with gold embroidery for Catelin’s elevation dress
Now, that the elevation of my friend Catelin The Wanderer is over, I can finally share the small gold embroidery with you which I made for her elevation dress. It is always a great pleasure and honor for me to contribute to the special days of my friends. Therefore I was very happy when Catelin asked for some embroidered patches for her dress for her upcoming Laurel elevation.
My new grey 12th century dress – maunches and first sewing steps…
During the last days I was busy working at some calligraphy projects but I also did some hand-sewing and finished a good part of the sleeves for my very new 12th century dress project. While packing for the big Gulf Wars event in Mississippi, I decided that I definitely have to enlarge my own as well as my husbands 12th century wardrobe by several new pieces as soon as I come back. This should ensure that my husband and I will have enough clothing for the next long war.
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