“Patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project”
for my 12th century SCA wedding at Gulf Wars 2015

2012 at the Rose Tourney – Kingdom of Midrealm
When we were planning my wedding dress, my sister Bella had a lovely idea for a great fun project:
“Patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project”
This project gives you the possibility to contribute an embroidered patch to my wedding cloak, an important part of my wedding dress ensemble. This way you can become a part of my “wedding dress project” and my wedding, if you like.
Because the temperatures at Gulf Wars during the day are rather high, some of you may wonder why I want to make and wear a wedding cloak at my wedding at Gulf Wars. 1st reason: I am not a fan of generalization but you can say that a well dressed noble 12th century lady is not completely dressed unless she wears a cloak. 2nd reason: I plan to make this cloak a part of our wedding ceremony based on some traditional period wedding traditions from the 12th century. And last but not least – I have to admit that I wanted to make a “period” cloak for my 12th century wardrobe for some years now. My wedding cloak will be a very important part of my wedding garb. You can say that my cloak will make the “12th century picture” complete on “my special day”. 🙂
Because some of my friends already told me that they are afraid to ruin my cloak with their embroidered patches – please don’t worry! This is an explicit fun project and it is open for artisans of all embroidery levels. The emphasis of this project is not to get “perfect” embroidered patches and embroidery, though if you like to make one and insist on it, you are also heartily welcome. 😉
I furthermore want to challenge you to create, to try new techniques, to use patterns you normally wouldn’t use, to have fun and to provide some love to my special day. I have to admit that I love the idea of having patches from all around the world on my cloak. Every embroidered patch as unique as the artisans who made them. I am especially looking forward to the patches of my friends who never embroidered before but agreed to try it for me – I consider this true love and can’t wait to get your patches my friends! 😀
Therefore, if you would like to participate, please send* one (or more) small embroidered patches for my wedding cloak:
Fabric material for the patches: Wool fabric
Color: Whatever color you have
Fabric size for the embroidery: square or diamond shape with side length of 4 inches or 10 cm (+ seam allowance), preferably please a square or diamond shape if possible
-> 4 x 4 inches (+ seam allowance)
-> or 10 x 10 cm (+ seam allowance)
embroidery technique: your favourite technique or a technique you haven’t tried before – like Intarsia or Appliqué – this is a fun project therefore please don’t hesitate to have fun!
deadline: 1st of November (2014)
If you would like to sign your embroidered patches, please add your SCA name, SCA shire/barony/principality name & your kingdom in small letters (ca. 1cm / 0,4inch) along the border (please add your signature inside the 4×4 inches/ 10x10cm square).
…and for the ones among you who are not in the SCA – if you like to sign your embroidered patches, please add your name, your country and your continent like described before.

September 2012 / Meridian Grand Tournament – Kingdom of Meridies
…and concerning the theme for the embroidery:
– Every medieval animal or beast – like for example inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry – would be wonderful.
– If you have a favorite medieval picture concerning love and courtly love/Minne which inspires you, please use it.
– If you like dragons as much as I do – please feel free to embroider them.
– and also every kind of flower or animal is great!
My favorite time period is the 12th and 14th century but if you would like to embroider a medieval inspired pattern that is before or after this time frame, that’s also absolutely ok for me.
A heartily thank you to everyone of you who decides to participate and to provide an embroidered patch!
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions
Merci! Thank you!
♥ 😀 ♥
PS.: Yes, I already posted this “fun project” for my wedding cloak last year at my facebook fanpage. But my visa process took much longer then expected and therefore my fiance and I decided to postpone our 12th century SCA wedding to Gulf Wars 2015. Therefore there was no need to hurry anymore… the new deadline is now the 1st of November 2014!
PPS.: btw. as a small thank you for taking part in my “Patches for Racaires 12th century wedding dress project”, I am giving away a small (embroidered) gift – I will draw a name after the deadline (and yes, every patch that gets to me in time adds a lot to the draw) 🙂
(* you can contact me via the contact form <here> )
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